26 - Unexpectedly Expected

Start from the beginning

Shoving his hand away harshly, I snapped, "I never said you could touch him."

The soldier grabbed me by the collar at that and hissed, "What did you say, b****? You think you can say that to a man and soldier after he's been talking so nicely to you? Who'd want a b**** like you as a girlfriend anyway?"

I shoved him away then showed him and his friends my pocket watch. "I'm a State Alchemist and I'm here to report to Col. Archer. So, if you wouldn't mind, move. Although, I don't really give a shit if you mind either."

Their attitudes had pissed me off but they were left flabbergasted. They didn't move so I shoved them aside before entering the building with Leo following, his hand in mine. I stopped a moment in front of the administration counter and leaned forward to look at the woman sitting behind the desk.

"Excuse me," I said, "could you tell me where I can find Col. Archer?"

"What business do you have with him?" she asked with a friendly smile and I showed her my transfer papers. She looked through them once before returning them and telling me where his office is. Following her directions, I reached a door that had the colonel's name on a metal plate on the door.

With a deep breath, I knocked. Upon hearing him give me permission to enter, I let myself in and close the door when I was inside. I stepped to his desk and held my papers for him to take.

"It is good to see you, Arisa. I'm sorry about the timing though – the death of Brig. Gen. Hughes must have been a shock," he said in a business tone. I could feel the eyes of all his subordinates on me. They were also whispering amongst themselves about me being a little girl and a State Alchemist and with a chimera. I wondered how many more times I would have to face this cliché situation.

"It's alright, Colonel. It was something I was hoping wasn't true but sometimes things just happen and have to be accepted," I said, pushing down the rush of emotions the roused within me. Col. Archer nodded and put down my papers before leaning forward with his chin resting on his interlocked hands.

"I have heard rumors from soldiers in East City that your skills of investigation are very good. I want to see it for myself so I will give you your first mission." I nodded once and he continued, "There has been news of a serial killer going around lately. He's been targeting military families in different localities. His movements are rather disorderly with no pattern for us to follow. Here is a map with places marked out in the order of his killings. I would like you to look into the case."

The paper he handed to me was map of Central City and there were about nineteen red crosses in different areas with numbers written next to them.

"I will have a look at this, Colonel," I said and he regarded me with a smile.

"You can sit next to Lt. Herbert over there. I've set up an extra chair for your chimera friend as well." He motioned to an empty seat next to one of the lieutenants. The latter seemed neither happy nor annoyed that I was partnered up with a chimera – I was glad for that. Although, the whole atmosphere in this office wasn't very welcoming.

My assumption was only proved wrong when Lt. Herbert moved away from me eying both me and Leo in disgust when we went to take our seats. I held back a roll of my eyes as I sat down and Leo took his seat next to me while looking around the office curiously. He remained silent, only swinging his legs, knowing that he shouldn't cause any trouble. I handed him a story book so he could pass the time while I worked. Giving me a grin, he leaned back comfortably to read.

I focused my attention on the map in front of me now. I merely observed it a moment, trying to see if the places the serial killer had made his attacks were really at random or if there was some pattern to it that the colonel hadn't noticed. But it was as he had said – there was no way to tell where he would turn up next.

Heart of a SIN - FMA Envy Fanfic [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now