Chapter 35

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The next week was probably one of the best weeks of my life. Will and I visited the hospital everyday. Each time we returned, Hazel looked a little stronger. Her eyes became more alert. She was able to move around more. She no longer needed tubes to feed her painkillers.  Not once did I hear the voices. It was like the had just melted away forever. The only sounds I heard in my mind were the sounds of my mind speaking its ideas, not evil voices telling me awful things. But, the best news came after school, on Friday. 

The bell rang, announcing the end of the day. As usual, I was one of the first people to leave class. When I reached my locker, Will was already there. 

"How are you already here?" I asked. "I'm one of the first people in the halls everyday!"

"I always ask to go to the bathroom just before class ends and come here," Will replied. 

"The teacher hasn't noticed?" I inquired. 

Will shrugged, "I don't know. If he has, he doesn't say anything."

"You must really like me," I said. 

"You're my boyfriend, of course I like you," he answered. 

I finished packing up and followed Will to the Thunderbird. I slid into the the passenger seat and Will started the car. Just as we were pulling out of the parking lot, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was very surprised to see that Hazel was the one who was calling me. 

"Hazel?" I answered. 

"Nico!" she exclaimed. "I have awesome news!"

"What is it?" I asked. 

"They're letting me out of the hospital!" she cried. I sat there silently. Hazel was leaving the hospital. Hazel was going to live. "Nico?" she said, snapping me out of my stupor. 

I blinked a few times, "Yeah, sorry. That's great! When will you be out?"

"Tomorrow," she replied. 

"Wow, Hazel, that's awesome! Do you want us to pick you up?" I offered. 

Will nudged me, "You said 'us'." I shot him a dirty look. 

"Sure, that's be great. I'll call you later and give you the exact time," Hazel replied. 

"Okay. Later, Hazel."

"Bye, Nico." We hung up. 

"What was Hazel calling about?" Will asked. 

"She's getting out of the hospital," I answered. 

Will broke into a wide grin, "That's awesome! When is she coming home?"

"Tomorrow," I responded. "We're picking her up."

"Cool," Will said. We continued to navigate down the street. I could't help but be amazed by how one car ride could renew my sense of hope and turn weeks of Hell into pure bliss. 

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