Chapter 18

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DANI WAKE UP!- I heard someone scream. I jumped up and saw Lisa, Christina and.........................LAUREN?! I gasped and jumped on Lauren who fell on the ground with me on top of her. I hugged her tight, it was just a nightmare. She didn't die!

Dan what's wrong?- Lauren asked hugging me back. I was softly crying into her chest.

I dreamed that you died- I cried

shhhhhhhhh, I'm here Dan, it was just a nightmare, I'm alive- Lauren said holding me tight. I finally managed to calm down and got up and helped Lauren up too. She smiled and wiped my tears away and hugged me tight. Lisa and Christina joined our hug and when we pulled away and smiled at each other.

Uhm was it a dream too that we called dad?- I asked

Well yeah I guess, I mean we didn't call Dad- Lisa said and I nodded sadly

Hey don't get sad DanDan- Lauren said. I smiled at her and we walked downstairs. Lauren took her pills and we had breakfast. She got a huge headach all at once, she also turned really pale and ran to the bathroom and threw up. She couldn't stop and after a while she start to coughing up blood a lot. Once she stopped Lisa picked her up and put her on the couch.

you have a fever- Christina said after checking Lauren's temperature.

Ugh- Lauren groaned. Lauren doesn't get sick often but when she gets sick she is really sick, like she can't even stand herself. I grabbed two blanketand covered Lauren with the blankets.

Do you want something?- I asked

No- Lauren said yawning. She slowly driffed off into a peacefull sleep. We smiled and just watched a movie. Mom walked in when the movie ended. She looked at Lauren and smirked, she walked towards Lauren but Lisa stopped her

Leave her alone- Lisa snapped. Mom pushed Lisa on the ground and Christina helped Lisa up. Mom got to Lauren's side and slapped Lauren really hard. Lauren jumped awake and looked terrified when she saw Mom. I ran to Mom and pushed her away from Lauren. 

Are you OK?- I asked Lauren who slowly nodded. I picked her up and carried her to her room and layed her down on her bed. 

Thanks Dani- Lauren said, I smiled and nodded. The door opened and I saw Mom walking in looking really mad. She grabbed her gun and pointed in to me, I froze looking terrified. 

Mom please don't- I begged. Lauren got up and stood in front me

Lauren don't- I said

She won't shoot- Lauren said

And why is that huh?- Mom sassed

Because you said yourself, I earn the much money- Lauren sassed back. Christina and Lisa ran inside and their eyes widen when they saw what was happening. Mom pointed the gun at Lisa and smirked at Lauren

You're right but I can kill the others, you earn enough money for me- Mom said

If you kill one of them I'll kill myself and then you won't have enough money- Lauren sassed and Mom glared at Lauren. 

You bitch!- Mom yelled and shot Lauren in her left leg. Lauren screamed in pain and fell on the ground. We gasped and ran to her side. I wrapped her leg with a sweater tight. Lauren hissed in pain, she looked like she was in real pain. Mom ran away and we heard the front door slam shut. 

Fuckkk- Lauren hissed grabbing a pillow tight hiding her face in it. 

Christina call an ambulance!- Lisa said. Christina called an ambulance who arrived in 2 minutes. They took Lauren away and we drove to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and ran inside but we had to wait in the waiting room. After a while the doctor and Lauren walked in. We saw Lauren had a black brace around her leg where she got shot. 

Are you her sisters?- The doctor asked and we nodded

Well Lauren is OK, she has a big wound on the gunshot but it'll heal in 2 months, till then she can't play soccer or walk too much- The doctor said

But I can't not play soccer!- Lauren protest

Listen Lauren I already called your cauch and he understood, and besides that I heard that you don't even have much matches for 3 months, only a few small matches and practise- Christina said and she sighed

Fine- She mumbeld

Make sure she doesn't walk too much and she' be fine- The doctor said and we nodded. We turned around to leave but a police officer with 2 police men stopped us.

Are you the girl who got shot?- The police officer asked Lauren.

Uhm yeah- Lauren said confused

Who shot you?- He asked and we got nervous

Uhm..........I don't know- Lauren lied

How come you don't know? You were home I heard from the ambulance driver- The police officer asked

Uhm...........I was.......but my Mom did it on accident, she wanted to show a gun but accidently shot me- Lauren lied

And your mom has premission for the gun?- He asked

Ofcourse she has- Lauren said and they nodded not looking like they believe her but they let it go, thank god. We drove home and when we arrived we looked at Lauren. 

Why did you lie?- Lisa asked

Lisa if I told the truth they would arrest mom!- Lauren protest

Which means we would be safe!- Lisa yelled and Lauren stayed quiet

I can't believe you lied about this- Lisa said and walked out. Lauren looked at Christina hopefully

Are you also mad?- Lauren asked Christina, Christina didn't say anything and just walked out. 

Dani?- Lauren asked looking at me

I'm sorry Lo- I said and walked out. I just can't believe Lauren lied! You would have been safe! 

I can't believe it! What is her problem!

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