Chapter 5

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It's been 2 months since Dad took us all to Miami. I really love it here just like the rest of us. Dad changed a lot, he is really protective, kind and just the old him. We haven't heard from Lisa, Christina, Dani, Lauren or Mom for a month a we start to get worried. But today they're coming to visit for two weeks which is really exciting. 

JOEY!- I heard Christian scream. I got up from the couch and saw them fighting in the pool

Guys stop!- I screamed and they looked at me

What's wrong?- I asked

Joey is bothering me- Christian said

No you are!- Joey protest

Guys leave each other alone please- I said and they nodded and I walked to the kitchen and saw Mike and Dad

What time are they coming?- I asked Dad

They'll be here soon honey don't worry- Dad said and I nodded

Do you think something happened?- I asked

What do you mean?- Mike asked confused

Well they haven't called us for a month and they won't pick up or text back- I said

I don't know but we'll ask them when they arrive- Dad said and them Amy and Nick screamed

THEY ARE HERE!- They screamed and we all ran outside and saw a taxi stop. Mom and Dani got out first and then Lisa, Christina and Lauren. We were shocked when we saw Christina, Lisa and Lauren. They're so skinny! Dani ran to us and hugged us tight

I missed you guys- She said and we hugged her back. We smiled at her and then looked at Christina, Lisa and Lauren who didn't look up and got grabbed the bags. Mike and Dad stopped them and grabbed the bags. I walked to them and hugged Christina, I felt her tens up in my arms but she hugged me back

I missed you Chris- I said

I missed you too- Christina whispered which alone confused me more. Why is she acting like this?! I pulled away and hugged Lisa who also tensed up in my arms. What's going on?!  I pulled away and smiled at her and she smiled weakly back. I looked at Lauren who wasn't looking up. 

Lauren?- I asked and she looked up. I walked closer to her and she looked terrified

What's going on?- I asked

Nothing- She obviously lied. I hugged her and she also tensed up like Christina and Lisa. 

I missed you guys so much!- Amy said hugging them all. We all hugged each other and then we walked inside. 

So Lauren how is soccer and school going?- Dad asked as we sat down

Great- She said looking down. We looked confused, what is going on?!!!

Uhm............Christina, Lisa how is work?- I asked, they looked up and smiled

It's OK- They said

And Dani? How is school?- Mike asked

Boring but I have no choice right- She joked and we chuckeld

We have a huge pool let's go swim!- Nick said jumping on Christina's lap who turned terrified but tried to hide it. 

Cool! I'll go change!- Dani said and ran outside with Amy

Aren't you going to swim?- Joey asked the others

No........uhm.............we don't feel well- Lisa said 

Ow come on!- Joey protest, I saw tears fall from Lauren's eyes but she looked down so you couldn't see it. 

Lynne let's go to my office- Dad said and Mom and Dad left to talk. 

Boys go to the pool- Mike said and they ran out. I sat down next to Lisa and lift her head up

What's wrong?- I asked her

Nothing- She said tearing up. I hugged her and she tensed up again

Guys what's going on?- Alex asked sitting next to Christina. Lauren looked away and Lisa looked at Christina

Nothing, everything is OK- Christina said


We can't tell them! We just can't! If we tell them they'll kill her! We need to protect her and that's why we can't tell them!

What can't they tell them?

Our lifes (sequel to Divorce)- CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now