Chapter 9

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We are in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for news about Lauren. Christina and I explained everything that happened to us to our family and to the police and they took Mom and Dani to a mental hospital.

Lauren Cimorelli?- A doctor said walking in the room and we all jumped up

Is she ok?!- Christina and I asked and he looked at us sad

I'm sorry but Lauren is in coma and we don't think she's going to make it- The doctor said and Christina and I broke down crying, we fell on our knees and Kathrine and Mike hugged us tight.

Can we please see her?- Amy asked

Ofcourse, follow me please- He said and we got up and followed him inside a room and saw Lauren in a hospital bed connected with a lot of tubes

She's on life support right now, if she doesn't wake up in a week we are going to cut her off the machines- The doctor said and left. Christina and I raced to Lauren's side and grabbed her hand tight

Lolo..........please wake up, please Lo don't leave us alone, please- Christina cried. I strocked Lauren's hair smiling through tears

You were so strong, you survived everything, please just once more, I promise when you wake up everything will be OK. I promise, just please wake up- I begged crying into her chest. I felt someone put his/her hand on my back and when I looked up I saw Dad with tears in his eyes. I hugged him tight and cried into his schoulder.

She can't leave us Dad, She promised never to leave us- I cried

I know honey but you need to calm down and stay strong for her, we need to stay strong for Lauren and pray and hope she'll wake up- Dad said and I nodded.



It's been 5 days and Lisa and I are dealing really bad with this all. I just can't believe Lauren is in coma. Lisa and I never left her side but the others try to convice us to go home and get some rest but we don't want to leave Lauren. Lisa and I were on the couch just looking at Lauren when all at once Lauren's heart machine went crazy. We jumped up and screamed for a doctor who ran inside and pushed us out the room. We heard the doctors and nurses says things but we didn't understand anything since we were crying our eyes out. After a while we heard nothing and the door opened and the doctors walked out and a doctor looked at us.

Lauren just had a heart attack probably because of the memories but we're not sure. Her change of surviving is really low and we don't think she'll make it by the end of the week- The doctor said and Lisa fell on her knees crying her eyes out. I called Kathrine but only cried, she understood something bad was happening and told me to calm down and that they're coming. Lisa and I cried into each other's arms till the other arrived and raced towards us.

What's wrong?! Did something happened to Lauren?- Amy asked hugging us. We explained them what the doctor told us and they were all crying too. We walked in Lauren's room and saw how pale she was, she looks so lifeless it breaks my heart. I grabbed her hand tight and kissed her forhead.

Please wake up, please don't leave us- I whispered in her ear

I promise it'll be better from now on just please open those eyes, please let us know you're ok- I whispered and looked at her and all at once I felt her squeeze my hand a little. I gasped and looked at the other's.

She squeezed my hand!- I said and they gasped looking really happy. I looked back at Lauren and squeezed back.

Thank you- I said and kissed her hand holding it tight not daring to let go. Lisa grabbed Lauren's other hand and we spend the rest of the time looking at Lauren and sometimes she would squeeze our hand.

Lauren woke up!!!! She woke up 3 days ago and is doing really great. The doctors are really impressed that she woke up. Christina, Kathrine, Amy and I are in Lauren's room just chilling and being lazy. Lauren needs to stay in the hospital for a month to recover from everything and then she's allowed to come back home.

Lise- Lauren said and I looked at her

Yes?- I asked sitting next to her on her bed

I'm bored- She said and we all chuckeld.

I'll go ask the doctor if we can take you upstairs with a wheelchair- Christina said and walked out. She came back with a wheelchair and Lauren's face light up. We put her in the wheelchair and rolled her outside. We passed the cantine and she looked at us.

Do you want something from the cantine?- Amy asked and Lauren smiled and nodded. We all bought an ice cream and after that we got back to her room and layed her down. The doctor walked in and smiled when he saw Lauren.

I think it's a good idea to get you out of this room every day for a few minutes- He said and we nodded. He gave Lauren her pills amd she fell asleep exhausted. We smiled at her and the doctor left.

What about Mom and Dani?

Our lifes (sequel to Divorce)- CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now