Chapter 14

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I woke up with a small weight on top of me and when I opened my eyes I saw Lauren sleeping on top of me. I chuckeld amd remembered last night when we were making plans for our cafe. Today Christina and I are going to look for a cool place for the cafe Lauren found on internet. I swear without her we couldn't get this far!

Lauren- I whispered

Lauren wake up- I said shaking jer a bit. She groaned and hugged me tight

Lauren come on- I said

No- She said

I need to use the bathroom- I complained

Hold it- She said

I swear if you don't get off me I'll pee on you- I said and she jumped off me and I raced to the bathroom. When I walked back Christina was also awake so we made breakfast and then Lauren had to leave for a match.


Alright so this place is empty for a year, it was also a cafe but the owners moved so now it's empty- A man said introducing the place.

And do you know if a lot of people came here?- I asked

Yes, I was one of the most visited places at the time- He said smiling

Uhm, well I guess we take it- Christina said and I nodded

Awesome just sign the papers and I'll give you the keys- He said handing us a few papers


I was in the changing rooms after the match. We won with 3-2 and I got injuried really bad. I fell on my back really bad and now a nurse is checking my back

Do I need to call Lisa or Christina?- Jess asked

No I think they're busy with the new cafe so I don't want to stress them even more- I said. She nodded and knelt fown beside me, I was laying on the bench with my shirt off while the nurse was checking my back.

Does this hurt?- She asked pressing on my lower back, I let out a scream of pain.

I think you broke a few ribs- The nurse said and I sighed.

Great- I said slowly sitting up

I'll bring you to the hospital- Jess said and I nodded. I put my shirt back on and we both walked to her car and drove to the hospital. A doctor put a cast around my back and Jess signed the papers. She brought me back home and Christina and Lisa ran towards me.

Were have you been?- Lisa asked

She got injuried and broke a few ribs so I brought her to the hospital and now she has a cast around her back amd she needs to go back to take it off in 3 weeks- Jess explained

Why didn't you call us?!- Christina asked

I didn't want to bother you since you guys were busy with the cafe- I said amd they sighed

Ow Lo you never bother us so next time call us- Lisa said and I nodded. Jess left and Lisa and Christina made me lay down on the couch.

Guys I'm ok- I pounted after they wouldn't stop beig worried

Are you sure- Christina asked and I nodded smiling.


Lisa and I start our cafe 3 months ago and it's going so well! It's always busy and we get a lot of money with it. The thing Mom and Dani are coming back.

Christina....they're here- Lauren said looking outside. We all got up and opened the door. Mom and Dani walked towards us and I felt Lauren grab my hand tight.

Get inside- Mom snapped. Lauren squeezed my hand and I saw she looked terrified. Once we got inside Lauren got pulled away by Dani and shoved to the wall

SENDING US TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL HUH?!- Mom screamed. Lauren fell on the ground and her shirt went a bit up so you could see her cast and Dani noticed it.

I see you are already injuried- Dani said kicking Lauren's side. Lauren let out a scream of pain and I pushed Dani away and hold Lauren in my arms. Lisa grabbed her phone but Mom grabbed Lisa by her hair and threw the phone on the ground

That cafe is mine now!- Mom screamed and we nodded terrified.


I swear we live like cinderella! Our Mom is the boss of OUR cafe and we aren't allowed to do anything fun. All our money goes to Dani and Mom and we hate it! Lauren can't hang out with Mason or her friends at our cafe or house anymore too. She changed a lot, she start drinking the pain away and goes out a lot. Jess, Hannah and Mason are always with her but they're also worried about her. Mason also told me Lauren and he start having meaningless sex since Lauren is looking for distraction and it hurts Mason a lot but he doesn't give up on Lauren which I'm glad about. Lisa and I were working till really late and we're exhausted. It was empty since it's midnight so we were just cleaning. The door opened and we saw it was Jess, Hannah, Mason and Lauren.  They walked in and start down.

I'm so tired- I said sitting on a couch.

Me too- Christina said sitting next to me. Lauren sighed and grabbed the cleaning stuff out of our hands and start to clean.

Lauren stop you need to rest too, your ribs aren't healed yet- I said

I thought they were healed in 3 weeks- Hannah said

Yeah but Dani has been kicking Lauren a lot so it heals really slow- Christina said

Why don't you call the police?- Mason asked

Same reason as last time- I said and they sighed

I wonder how it's going to end this time- I said

How will it end?

Hey guys! How do you want it to end? Tell me your ideas cause I don't have one!

Our lifes (sequel to Divorce)- CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now