I looked at her starting to worry but nodded. She fiddled around with her fingers and looked at the ground "Yea I know." I replied slowly.

She sighed and nodded "I know you really like Lukas." I was shocked that she suddenly said that "Wait, what?" it took me a while to get over what she had just said. I didn't have a good feeling about this but my cheeks grew warm again.

She looked up at me, her expression was guarded and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw me blushing. I really don't like where this conversation is going "I'll take that as a yes." she seemed disappointed. I raised an eyebrow, starting to get curious and slightly worried. "You're making me worried." I muttered.
She looked up and smiled at me reassuringly "It's nothing, just wanted to know who's your crush is all." I blushed but still didn't seem convinced. "Wait, how is unintentionally hurting me and knowing who my crush..." she interrupted me "Nothing Bekah. Don't think about it." I nodded "Uhm okay" She still fiddled with her fingers and didn't talk the whole way back.

When we arrived home I had a shower first and it took everything in me not to kill Kylie. She kept banging on the door like a mad women, I felt like drowning her. I rushed out of the shower, wrapping my towel over my body and opened the door. Kylie gasped slightly as she was still banging on the door like a maniac "I don't think we should meet them tonight."

I stared at her shocked "What? You were the one that convinced me to go. You said that I should get out of the house more often. We're going." she sighed "No, we're not!" I glared at her "We are, now have a shower." I said firmly at her.

She groaned and frowned at me, nodding slightly after a while "Okay, Fine." I smiled triumphantly at her and she went in.

I changed into my clothes and stared at myself in the mirror, remembering how everyone treats me. I hate being in Kylie's shadow. I'm not jealous of her or anything but sometimes I just wish I wasn't me. I sat on my bed feeling depressed, shutting my eyes tightly.

In what seems like forever, I heard Kylie shut the bathroom door and walk in. "Hey, are you ok?" I opened my eyes to see her giving me a concerned look before she turned around.

I nodded as though she could see me, deciding to think of something else instead of self pity and depressing thoughts. I smiled at the thought of Luke and stifled a giggle with my hand "Bekah?" Kylie was staring at me like I was insane.

I smiled foolishly at her "Hm?" she looked at me for a second, and I thought I saw a glimpse of disappointment and regret. Before I could confirm it, she blinked and her eyes were void of emotions "Are you ok?" she asked again.

I nodded "Sure, I guess." she wrinkled her nose and tilted her head "You guess?"

We always tell each other why we're feeling down, but I don't feel like telling her about this particular reason because she may think I'm jealous. She may even get mad at me and I hate arguing with her. I hate the feeling of feeling so angry and sad at the same time, especially if it's her. I thought about it for a second then sat up feeling rather gloomy "Actually, I'm not really ok."

She sat down next to me on the bed "What's up?" I didn't want to look into her eyes, so I stood up and started pacing. Stopping in front of the mirror I stared at myself "Remember just now? When Sara didn't let me be in the picture? Well..." I looked down and stared at my fiddling fingers.

I don't know why I'm so embarrassed to tell her. Maybe it's because I let something so small get to me. "Well..." I continued again and trailed off.

"I understand." she said and I turned to look at her, raising my eyebrow feeling surprise. "You do?"

She nodded and looked down at her shoes "I do. You know, if you give Sara a chance she would surprise you. She really isn't as mean as you think she is. I think she always has this feeling that you don't like her so she responds in the only way she knows how and that's to be mean." I rolled my eyes "Sure, she really is sweet. I can totally see that." I said sarcastically. She ignored my comment, looking up, grinned wickedly at me "I have an idea though."

I arched an eyebrow, feeling curious. "What kind of idea?" she gave a sly smile at me "You do realize we look alike? And the only reason why anyone knows the difference is because of the way we dress and because of our personalities right?"

It suddenly dawned at me what she meant. I shook my head at her "If you're saying what I think thinking, I don't think it's a good idea."

She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me slightly "It's a wonderful idea! You could see what an amazing person Sara is and be the  best of friends!!!" she practically screeched into my ears.

I groaned but thought about it for a while "Uhm..." she shook me again, this time harder "Pleaseeee Bekah?! I've always wanted to to that. It'll be soo fun! I mean what do we have to lose?" she shook me again and I gave in. Frustrated "Okay! Okay! If it'll get you to stop shaking me like a mad woman, fine!!!" she grinned triumphantly at me when I rolled  my eyes at her.

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner.
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