Chapter 5

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I've been feeling nervous the whole week, I knew that she was coming back; but I didn't expect her to be back this week.

I felt like a kid all over again, my heart nearly stopped when I saw her- I haven't felt that way ever since she left. She looked different, tired.

I felt a tap on my shoulder that snapped me out of my thoughts "Lukas, what's on your mind?"

I turned around to see Mark raising an eyebrow at me. I sighed "Nothing."

He kept quiet for a second "It's not about that Kylie chick right?"

I frowned at him "Wha? Why would you think I'm thinking about her?"

Mark shrugged at me and leaned against the locker. "I don't know. Everyone is either talking or thinking about her."

I nodded "Yeah- I mean, maybe I am thinking about her." Mark looked at me silently, as if encouraging me to continue talking. "She's my- was a close friend."

I looked away as I said those words. She was my friend. My best friend, and now- she's a stranger; a stranger that I used to know in a distant memory.

"Lukas, you alright?" I turned my attention back to Mark again. "Sorry, I was...thinking." I muttered.

He chuckled "I can see that. How close were you though? Because..." he hesitated for a second and looked around uncomfortably, not looking me in the eyes.

I nodded, not liking where this was going. "Yeah, we were close. Emphasise on were"

Mark forced a laugh, then looked me straight in the eye seriously "Right, so, what does she like?"

I burst out laughing, trying not to sound annoyed at him. "What do you mean? I can list a few things for you, such as, the type of dogs she likes, the books-"

He rolled his eyes at me "That's not what I meant!"

I grinned at him and tilted my head slightly, as if I was confused. "Well, what did you mean? Because you weren't very specific."

"I want to ask her out. What does she like? What type of guy is she into?" I frowned at him, I suddenly felt angry at him.

"Why do you want to ask her out?" I looked away from him "You know what everyone is saying about her right?"

Mark groaned and massaged his forehead, then, he looked at me, he had a determined look in his eyes which worried me "I don't care what everyone is saying about her. I don't care about rumours. Besides, even if it is true; it sets her apart from all the girls in this boring town."

I studied him for a second, thinking about what I should say "Want my honest opinion?" I asked him and he nodded eagerly. 

"Mark, she may be different from all the other girl's here but she's trouble. There's a reason why everyone is talking about her." Mark rolled his eyes "I told you, I don't ca-"

"Yeah yeah, you don't care." I snapped at him. I could feel my patience running thin.

I shrugged "Look, do whatever you want. Don't say I didn't warn you though. And by the way, she won't go for someone like you."

Mark frowned as I walked away from him, the last thing I heard him say was "What does that even mean? I'm everyone's type."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself "Yeah, good luck with that idiot."

I walked pass my class and continued walking in the empty hallway. I needed to be alone, I had a strange feeling; a sudden feeling of annoyance and anger towards Mark.

Why does he even want to ask her out anyways? He doesn't know her at all. Why isn't he listening to the rumours and staying far away from her?

Suddenly, a girl caught my eye, she had dirty blonde hair and her head was in her hands.

I walked towards her, I would never forget that dirty blonde hair. It was her. She was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall.

"Kylie." She didn't answer me and I saw a wire, she had her earpiece on. I tapped her shoulder lightly "Kylie." I said again.

She looked up, took off her earpiece and turned around, glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would definitely be dead.

Her face held many different emotions at once. From annoyance to anger, and then betrayal, sadness, happiness, hatred, frustration and then- nothing.

Her face no longer held any emotions. Her green eyes looked hollow and cold.

I could almost see a wall behind those cold eyes of hers. I felt sad as I saw this stranger looking back at me. I felt uncomfortable, I didn't know whether  I should talk to her or leave. I didn't know what I would say to her though, or what would her reaction be. So, I turned around sadly; deciding to leave.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and saw Kylie smiling slightly at me, "Hey." She grinned at me.

She hugged me tightly and I stood there for a second, surprised and happy at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. "I've missed you, Luke." She said as we pulled away from each other.

I laughed "I've missed you too Kylie." we stared at each other for what seemed to be forever, her eyes still looked hollow and cold. It was too quiet, I started to feel the tension again.

I cleared my throat, thinking of what to say to break the tension.

"How are-"

"I should go. I have class." Kylie said abruptly, cutting me off. "Sorry." She said to me with a slight smile.

I nodded "Yeah, of course, it's fine." and with that, she left me staring off at the empty hallway again.

I blew out a breath of relief, that went better than expected. I felt happy and excited. Something I haven't been feeling in a long time. Suddenly, everything felt right again.

She still felt- like a stranger though. I knew it would take a lot of time and patience until we could become friends again.

I had hope though. I had hope that she would come back to me and that everything would go back to how it was again. I almost felt certain that we would be friends again.

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