Chapter 8

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The figure slowly edged closer to me. The hair on my neck stood up and I could hear my heart pounding.

Why am I scared?

Something about the way the figure moved creeped me out. My head was telling me to run, but my feet wouldn't move.

The figure was staring right at me, his hoodie covered most of his face as he came closer. His build was of a guys- I hope, it would be scary and weird for a girl to have a build like that.

I bit my lip and thought 'Right, Kylie, no one knows you're out here all alone and someone might kill you.'

I gritted my teeth and screamed at myself to shut up- if I didn't, I may end up pissing myself.

Not wanting to die or piss myself, I turned around and ran. As soon as I ran, I heard his pace quickened. Which meant I was right to run, why else would he chase me?

How unfortunate, this is how I would die. All I wanted was to escape from school and this is what I get.

My heart was racing and I was panting. 'I wish I exercised more.' I thought to myself, my chest hurt. It felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

Dying of a heart attack would be worse than being killed- maybe.

I looked back to check if he was gaining on me but to my surprise, he was nowhere to be seen.

I immediately stopped running, trying to catch my breath. I looked around, half expecting for him to pop out again and kill me.

A part of me wondered if he was cute.

What is wrong with me? Well, being killed by someone cute wouldn't be so bad because at least they noticed me?

I tried to reasom with myself and then I sighed, agitated with myself. Something is definitely wrong with me.

I looked around my surrounding, he was nowhere to be seen. Did I imagine him chasing after me? Am i going crazy? I must have imagined that.

As soon as I turned around, I saw someone running towards me. Again, my feet wouldn't move.

Once my annoying feet managed to process everything, I turned around, wanting to run away from the person charging towards me. I could feel the adrenaline rush through me.

Everything suddenly went slow and I felt pain all over my body, I groaned as I realized I was tackled.

I turned around when I felt a hand on my arm which made me started kicking him.

"Ow! Kylie" He knew my name which made me kick him more "STOP IT! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU UP!" He yelled at me and took a step back from me and groaned in pain when I kicked him in the knee.

That voice, it sounded familiar which caused me to look at him. I glared at him, my fear of being killed turned into something else; annoyance.

I suddenly wanted to kill him. I stood up quickly and glared at him. "You weren't helping me at all!" I snapped at the cocky guy I met at school. "You were the one that TACKLED me." I gritted my teeth.

He just rolled his eyes at me "You ran and I called for you but you didn't hear me. What did you expect me to do?"

I narrowed my eyes at him "Call out again like a normal, civilized person would do or maybe I don't know, WALK AWAY and not scare me to death and chase me." I snapped at him. "Oh, wait" I folded my arms across my chest "I forgot, you're not a normal, civilized person."

Broken ||Editing||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora