Chapter 30 (Deciding and Finding Out)

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*Christina's P.O.V*

 "How would you like to do a collaboration with Fifth Harmony?"Our manager Sarah asked us.My answer popped into my head automatically.It was yes, of course.I loved Fifth Harmony and supported them all the way on their journey on the X Factor.

  I looked at my other sisters and saw that Scarlett had an impatient look on her face, waiting in anticapation as she looked at us wide eyed at the edge of her seat.I chuckled softly.She must be a big fan of Fifth Harmony.

 'Well..?"Sarah's voice trailed off.

 ''Yeah, yeah, I think we should totally do a song with Fifth Harmony."Amy said, slowly gathering her senses again.

 "Okay, well, what do the others think?"Sarah asked.We all said we'd love to, and Sarah clapped her hands together, excitedly.

 "Okay, girls, because you said yes, and because of all the shows you'll be doing in the L.A area, we can easily record most of the song in a few days.Also, you can write it with Fifth Harmony tomorrow.They have agreed to do the collaboration as well, and they've booked a flight already.Thank you for coming girls.You are dismissed."Sarah explained.We all walked out but insisted Scarlett stayed with Sarah.

 "Why?"She asked.

 "Because, we want to see if you have a good voice.You most likeyl do, though.You're a Cimorelli remember?Singing is in your blood."Lauren said.

 "Yeah, you can probably sing like Adele with no effort."Dani said.We nodded in agreement.

 "Well..."Before Scarlett had a chance to say anything else, we pushed her into the office, with us on her heels.

 "Um, girls, I dismissed you."Sarah said, looking up from her computer

 "Oh yeah, we know, but we want you to hear Scarlett singing."I said, pushing Scarlett to the front.

 'Well, okay.Let's see what you got!"Scarlett took a deep breath and gestured to the baby grand piano in the far left corner of the room.."Can..I..?"Sarah nodded,''Oh yes, of course, go ahead." Scarlett took a deep breath and cracked her knuckles before playing the piano and singing this,"Ahhh… Hmhmhmm…

Dreams are like angels

They keep bad at bay

Love is the light

Scaring darkness away

I’m so in love with you

Make love your goal

The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

I’ll protect you from the hooded claw

Keep the vampires from your door

When the chips are down I’ll be around

With my undying death-defying love for you

Envy will hurt itself

Let yourself be beautiful

Sparkling light, flowers and pearls and pretty girls

Love is like an energy

Rushing in, rushing inside of me, hmm...

The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

This time we go sublime

Lovers entwined divine, divine

Love is danger, love is pleasure

Love is pure, the only treasureI’m so in love with you

Make love your goal

The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

The power of love

A force from above

A sky scraping dove

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

Make love your goal."

Once Scarlett had finished singing, she saw all of us with our jaws hanging wide open, with wide eyes, and looked worried.

 "Was, was that bad?"She asked nervously.

 "No,no,no,no.not at all.that was...amazing.'Lisa whispered, still in shock of how beautiful she had sounded.

 "Really?"Scarlett exclaimed.

 'Yes, it was.What song was that?"Sarah said.

 "Power of Love by Gabrielle Aplin."Scarlett was blushing because all of us were still looking at her, slowly thawing out.

 Sarah was the one who had recovered quickly and said to Scarlett,"Scarlett, even though I've heard you sing just one time and I've only just met you, I'd like to ask you something.Would you like to be signed to Republic Records?"

A/N:Okay, well, I got two updates in one day.YAY!AND check out that song on YouTube.It's so pretty, and that;s what I imagine Scarlett's voice being like, so, yup, she's a soprano :) :) :)You can also check the song out on the right.It's right there :)

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