Chapter 4 (Therapy Session)

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*Lisa's P.O.V*

 Ever since Lauren announced that she was going out with Ryan, Dani seemed a bit off.I decided to go talk with her and have a Lisa Therapy Session with her.Christina would have done it, since she studied Physcology for a year in college, but she had taken Joey, Nick(brother), and Christian to go swimming at the pool.

"Dani?"I asked, knocking on our bedroom door.

 "Yes?"She answered.

 "Can I come in?"

 "Well, duh, it's your room."She said sarcastically.I opened the door, closed and locked, and said,"Sit,'Pointing to my bed.She obediently obeyed, and I followed.

 I took a deep breath before saying,"Look, I've noticed you've been looking a bit down, and you're not as energetic as you used to be.I've also noticed that this has been happening since the moment Lauren told us Ryan was her boyfriend.So, tell me.Why are you so upset about it?"

 ''I'm not upset.'She answered, shifting a little so that her left shoulder was facing me.

 "Dani,"I said, turning her around and staring into he big green eyes,"I know you are.I'm not stupid.And besides, we're sisters.Some things between sisters aren't known, they're understood.And I understand.Now spill.'

 "Fine.I'm upset because I'm afraid Lauren will be hanging around Ryan all the time and she won't spend any time with us and she's my best friend and she's really the only sister that actually listens to me and cares about me and I don't wanna be left alone in the dirt."She said quickly, without even taking a breath.

 "Dani, you really think we don't care about you?"I asked, my already soft facial expression turning softer.

"Yes, and that's not the point."

 "I know, but we do care about you.

 "No, you don't.You're always cutting me off, you're really mean sometimes, and you don't even want me in the band!"

 "Dani!Of cousre we wanted and want you in the band!You were just too young and it took a long time for you to grow to the age we wanted you in and for us to adjust to a new member."

 "Yeah- a new member you didn't even want."She whispered.

 ''We did want you."

 "No you didn't.You almost got signed to the label without me!"Okay, she's not gonna let me win without putting up a fight.

 "That is not true.Okay, maybe a little, but it wasa great oppurtunity and we decided to wait until you were ready."

 "Nu-uh!Lauren was the one who didn't sign that paper because SHE was the only one that wanted me in the band.SHE was the one who defended me when you guys said I was too little.SHE was the one who was there for me when you guys weren't.So what am I supposed to do when she thinks she's too cool for me;I'll have no one!"At this point, she was yelling.

 "Dani, she won't think she's too cool.Christina didn't!"

 "Yeah, but when Christina started dating Nick, she wasn't my best friend!"

 "You're right.She wasn't.She was you sister.Just like Lauren is.And she still is.She isn't going anywhere either.None of us are.Sisters are forever.They're together.And we may have our ups and downs, but we can still patch up.and if Lauren does become too cool for us, then it's her loss.And trust me, she won't.We keep each other grounded.I mean, all of us could've gone bratty and be stuck up divas.But we didn't.Why?Because we keep each other grounded.You got that?"I said, pulling her in for a hug.I knew she was all better know.She didn't tell me, but I knew.because some things, between sisters, aren't known.They're understood.

A/N:AWWW LINI CHAPTER!!!If you don't ship Linni, (Lisa and Dani), I suggest you get out of this site.Forever.

Oh and BTW, I was planning this forever, but it wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be.Any way, I don't know if anybody has already made up a couple name for Lauren and Ryan but here's mine:Ryren!Like it?

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