Chapter 14 (Qualcomm Stadium?)

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*Amy's P.O.V*

 "All right, guys, we are here!'Christina shouted from the driver's seat.I unbuckled and got out, stretching my legs in an awkward way.I didn't know where we were, but it looked huge, the place we were going into.

 We had parked on the side where the back door is, the part where the people who are performing or playing go into so they don't get mobbed by fans.We were walking towards the front, though, and as we  neared to the very front, I saw a sign that read,'Qualcomm Stadium'.Wait, Qualcomm Stadium.Qualcomm, Qualcomm, Qualcomm...


 I gasped in surprise and all of my sisters turned towards me with puzzeled looks on their faces.

 "What's wrong?"Lauren asked.

 'We-we-we're here!At Qualcomm Stadium!"I stuttered.

 "What?"They shrieked.They began laughing and gaspng and jumping up and down, except for Christina, who hada proud smirk on her face.

 "I can't believe we're performing here."Dani said, spreading her arms out and twirling in a circle.

 "Belive it!"Christina said.We all looked at each other and shouted/sang,"BELIEVE IT!"

Oh my gosh.This is so exciting!

*Lauren's P.O.V*

Whoo!It's so amazing to think that we're going to perform here.In front of over 50,000 people!Oh my gosh.Just the though of it sends shivers down my spine.

 My sistes and I walked into the big, empty, stadium and a girl that looked about Lisa's age came bopping by.And let me tell, you, she was gorgues.She had rose gold hair, green eyes,a nice tan, and freckles across her cheeks that looked like they were spread by hand.

 "Hey there!Are you Cimorelli?"She asked.

 "We sure are."We answered in unison.Woah.We did that freaky twin thing.

 "Well, that's good to know, because I'm Alyssa Monroe, you can call be Aly, and I shall be your guide around the stadium.I am one of the employees here.So come right on in!"She bopped around the corner and we all followed, trying to catch up with her.

 "Kay, this is our first spot, which is also where you will be performing!"Aly said happily.Wow.Her and Dani are going to be close friends.

 "So, I also understand you're here for rehearsels, correct/"She asked,and ew nodded.

 "Okay, well in that case, you guys can get up on that stage there and I'll go get the guys to set up the system."Aly ushered us onto the stage as she walked off to another room.

 We waited for a few minutes and she came back with microphones for all of us and two 20 something year old guys.We were still standing around, being bored, when Aly yelled,"Alright, guys, Million Bucks is going on in 3,2,1!"And the beginning chords came on.I sang my solo and so did the others until we were done.I heard faint clapping and saw the sound guys, Aly, and a middle aged woman with brown hair clapping their hands.The woman came up to us and said,"That was great girls!I'm Molly Carter, and I'm the manager here.If you need anything, just call me.I'm always around the corner."We shook hands, all of us, and we sang a couple of more songs.We would do the rest tomorrow, and continue until it was the time for the actual concert in June.

 "We should make a vlog."Dani said randomly.

 "A vlog?"I repeated.

 "Ya.We haven't made one inh a while, so why not?"

 'Ya, why not?"Lisa said.The others agreed.

 "Hello, this is the DaniCam and we are currently in a top secret location which we will be performing in for our Made In America 2013 Summer Ameican Tour.And that is quite a mouthful.But, uh, yeah, I will now turn the camera over to my lovely sisters.Okay, just say something to the camera."Dani asid, turning on her iPod.

 "Hi world.I am Lauren, a.k.a Lolo Bean.And I am very hungry.Because these fatso weenies never feed me..."I said.

 "Oh, blah, blah, blah.Hey there, I'm Lisa.Just kidding, I'm a Memoose.And I'm also a pretzel fairy butterfly."

 "Katherine here.I love you guys almost as mich as I love pita bread.Which is a lot."

 "Sup.I'm Christina.Lynne.Cimorelli.And.I.Don't.Know.Why.I'mTalking.Like.This."

 "Cause she's actually a robot!"Amy yelled in the background.We cracked up.

 "So, I'll have to cut this short, cause, uh, we gotta go.So, see ya later."



"We'll see you later!"We chorused.

 'All right, what now?'i asked.

 Christina shrugged and said,'Let's go home, I guess."

 And that's what we did.

Well no der, dumbo.

Dani!This is my POV!

 WHo cares!Now let me search up cat videos~





All right guyus!No-just stop talking.Stop talking.


Thank you.

A/N:Heeey!I wrote a long chappie!Yay!And thanks for 800 reads!So, I' gonna go change now, because I've been standing here for like half an hour, just wrapped in a towel.So bye!

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