Chapter 13 (Slice, Slice, No Rolling the Dice)

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*Dani's P.O.V*

 We were on our way to an arena we were going to perform in for our summer tour, which would be called the 'Made In America 2013 American Tour'.Appropriate enough, right?

 'All right, guys, pit stop!"Christina yelled from the front seat.We piled out of the car and entered the restroom as fast as we could.I didn't need to use the restroom though.

 I pulled out my pencil sharpener which I had been using when I was drawing in the backseat.I pulled out the razor and held it firmly in my hand.I bit my lip.

 Should I do this?


 But, it's probably not a good idea.

 You know it is.Nobody likes you anyway.Just do it.


 I said JUST DO IT!

 Okay, okay.

 I pressed the cool, slender razor to my fat stomch and sliced it across the skin.Seeing the skin break was a wonderful feeling.And seeing the blood that poured out, was even better.I watched it for a little while longer, then cleaned it up because I knew my sisters were going to worry.I examined my self in the mirror.I looked paler than usual.


 I went outside and bought some gummy bears and a pink lemonade.I quickly scarfed some bears down and looked ay myself in the mini mirror they had for people who wanted to try on sunglasses.Good.I looked like my old self.

 When I went back into the car, where they were all waiting, Katherine asked,"What took you so long?"

 I answered,"Oh, you know.IFunny."

 "Oh."Was her response.Christina started the car up again and drove off.

 Whew.They didn't suspect a thing.

For now.

A/N:Okay, I know most of my chapters are getting really short, but I really wanna get to the interesting stuff!!So just hang on tight and I'll have long chapters again!!

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