Chapter 20 (You Again?Wait, What Happened?)

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*Katherine's P.O.V*

 I'm really glad that Dani found her sister.Well, our sister.She seemed really happy and overjoyed.Not all depressed like she's been lately.It's starting to worry me.I guess I just have to brush it off for now.

 "We're about to go on."Christina shouted.

 "Got it!"The others shouted back.It was pretty loud, but I didn't bother to cover my ears.I mean, when you live with 10 other kids and 4 aren't teenagers yet, you get pretty used to the noise.I sighed and turned my attention to my iPod.i was scrolling through my music, when, all of a sudden,a microphone came into my hands at the last minute, or else it would've broken my collar bone.I looked over, getting ready to tell off one of my sisters, but instead saw the person who wasn't even my list of people I least want to see, which isn't very long.



I rolled my eyes and scoffed in disgust.

 'What are you doing here, Ryan?'I spat with my eyes squinting.

 'Well, I'm performing here.It makes sense that you wouldn't know why, considering you were homeshooled by the worst teacher ever."Ryan said.He did not just go  there.My mom is the best person ever.She's superwoman.She takes care of 11 kids.And what does Ryan's mom do?Take care of 1 kid and a bratty baby.

 "Oh, really?Well, at least she can count higher than 100."Dani came up to me and was swinging her microphone back and forth between her hands, like a police baton.

 "Well, well, um, well, um.'Ryan stammered.Dani and I snickered.

 "What's wrong, Ryan?Nervous we'll beat you up?Because Micheal and Alex are in the audience."Amy teased, in an evil way.

 "Of course not.They would never beat me."Ryan argued back.

 "Oh, really, that's cute.because NIck's here, too, and, uh, i wouldn't wanna look behind you unless you want to make the biggest mistake in your life."Here comes Christina.

 "Pfft.Please.You think I''m gonna fall for your stupid trick?There's no one behind-"Ryan turned around but stopped when he saw Nick, Micheal, and Alex behind him with Lisa and Lauren not far behind.They all had an angry expression on their face, and they were close to cornering Ryan.

 "Always think before you speak, Ryan."Lisa and Lauren said in an evil mocking tone.

 "Oh, and uh, you can either leave by yourslef or in an ambulance.You choice, but I prefer the ambulance."Christina said cooly as she walked off.We followed her.

 "Good luck ,Ryan."Dani said before slamming the door shut.

 "All, what do you think they're gonna do to him?"Lauren asked after millions of high fives.

 "Well, I don't think we should think about that now.What we should worry about is that fact we have ot get on stage right now."I said, checking my watch.

 "Uh oh.'My sisters said, looking at each other through the corner of their eyes.

 "Don't just stand there!Do you not speak English?Go, or we won't be able to perform!"Christina exclaimed sassily.We sprinted towards the door but were stopped by security.

 "You can't go through."The Afircan-American security guard said in a deep voice, extending his arm to block us.

 "But we're performerd!'Christina exclaimed.We pulled out our passes.

 'I'm sorry, but a young girl was hurt in the audience."


 "I can't tell you.

 "Listen mister,"Lauren said sternly,"I suggest you tell us what happened and who it happened to or else the next 10 minutes won't be very pretty."I've never seen Lauren so bold.

 "O-okay.A girl was shot by her mother because apparently she had snuck out with her friends.her name was Scarlett.Scarlett Cimorelli Thomas."

A/N:BETCHA DIDNT SEE THAT COMING DID YA?!NO?Well, okay.Guess what?TOMORROW'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR ME!So all of you lucky people out there don't be rubbing it in my face that you're already off of school.You zin- zwags!(My comebacks are so amazing, I know.I'm, like, so sassy.)*Strikes awkward sassy pose like the one Ken does in Toy Story 3 when he's having a fashion show for Barbie.*

Wow.That sounded so wrong.

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