Chapter 24 (Uh- Oh)

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*Lisa's P.O.V*

 I was on iFunny on my iPhone, waiting for Lauren to come back from the restroom.We were in Scarlett's and Dani's hospital room.It was their 13th birthday, and it was a shame for them to spend it here.

 All of a sudden I was blinded by the light from the bathroom as Lauren walked out.

 "Sssth,"I hissed,"You blinded me for a second there."

 "Sorry."Lauren said with a tiny shrug and a non-offensive smirk on her face.

  "Hey guys."A deep voice from the othere side of the room said.It was Dani, with her morning voice.She always sounded tired and deep.

 "Hey,Dan.Happy birthday."Lauren and I said.

 "Thanks,"Dani smiled.

 "Is Scarlett still asleep?"She asked.

  "Yup."I answered.

  ''No I'm not."We looked over to Dani's right and saw Scarlett sitting up and strecthing her arms.

 "Oh, well happy birthday!"Lauren exclaimed.

 "Thano you."

 "Hey, where are the others?"Scarlett asked.

 "Oh, they're at the hotel."I replied.Scarlett nodded.

"They're coming for cake later, though."I added quickly after Dani and Scarlett looked dissapointed.Their faces lit up.

Knock, knock.

 "And there they are now."Lauren said.She opened the door and Christina,Katherine, and Amy walked in.So did Louis.

 WIth freaking One Direction.

 "Hello, there."Niall said cheerfully.I saw Dani's eyes grow wide.Scarlett looked up from her laptop and her eyes were just as big.

 "You-you-you're One Direciotn!"Lauren exclaimed.

 "Yes, we know."Harry remarked with a chuckle.I felt butterflies in my stomach.Uh- oh.

I think I'm already falling in love with Harry Styles and I haven't even said a word to him.

 A/N:Okay, I know I suck cuz it's so short, but at least  I updated, right?Aslo, my profile picture makes me look young.And I curled my hair cuz I as at my aunt's graduation.The guy behind me is my uncle, aka the graduate's husband.And I'm also wearing this funky flowered sundress with silver wedges.I hate dresses.Period.I just had to wear one for the graduation.

P.S it's raining and it's my friend's birthday.So... sucks for her!i know, mean, but still.And I'm in pajamas cuz it's raining and I'm more comfortable in them.Don't judge me.

'Nuff said.

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