Chapter 32 (Meeting)

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*Amy's P.O.V*

 Christina,Katherine,Lisa,Lauren,Dani,and I were about to go meet Fifth Harmony, othwerwise known as Ally Brooke,Normani Hamilton,Lauren Jauregui,Camilla Cabello, and Dinah-Jane Hansen.

 I was sort of nervous because they were another girl group and some of them were older than us and since we're all girls, a big cat fight could lead out and we'd all be done for.

 I do, however, have a feeling, that if none of us get along, Lauren J. and my Lauren will get along just fine.

 "All right, guys, they're on their way up."Christina announced.We were back in the studio,waiting for them to come up as we had come a few minutes before them.

 We were sitting around, chatting together, when we heard a knock on the door.We stopped suddenly and looked at the door.

 "It's them."Lisa gulped.

*Katherine's P.O.V*

 Fifth Harmony knocked on the door.Or at least that's what I assumed.

But back to FifthHarmony.

Since verybody esle was to chicken to open the door, I rolled my eyes and ran to it.I threw it open and saw five, young, pretty, smiling girls.I smiled back.

 "Hi!"I exclaimed, stepping back so they could step in.

 "Hi Katherine!"A girl with long, straight, black hair said.It was Camilla.

 "Hey everybody!"All of them said to my sisters, who were now up and shaking hands.

 "You know, Katherine, no offense to you or any of your sisters, but Lauren's my favorite.Sorry."Lauren J. said, slinging an arm around Little Lauren's shoulder.We laughed.

 "Yeah, guys, Lauren's my favorite too.Us Lauren's stick together."Lolo Bean said.

 "Wait, why are their two Dani's?"Dinah said, glancing at Scarlett and Dani.

 "Oh, well, Scarlett here is our long lost sister and she and Dani happened to be born on the same day, on the same year.It's complicated."Lisa explained the story to them.

 "Okay, well, know that we've settled down, how about we talk about writing the song?"Christina, our leader, said.She always wants to get straight to the point.

 "Christina!"We all exlcaimed, looking at her.She's a good leader, but sometimes she can just start jumping to the point a little too fast.It can get overwhelming.

 "What?This is what we're here for."She defended her self.

 "No, it's okay.I mean, that is true, and management would get angry if all we did was goof off and not write the song to send to our producers and record and all of that."Ally said.Obviously, she was on Christina's side.

 "Okay, I guess you're right."Dani said.We all muttered in agreement.

 "So, let's get down to buisness!"Amy said, rubbing her hands together.

I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting experience recording a song with these 10 other girls.

A/N:Okay, I know.It's short.But I updated, so give me some credit.And they finally met Fifth Harmony, so whoot whoot!And, I'm thinking about writing my own song for their collab, and if I can't find inspiration, then I'm just gonna seach online for a good enough song that I think fits Fifth Harmony and Cimorelli's style.

And also, go check out my 1D imagines!I needed to do some kind of 1D story, and putting 1D as recurring charcters in here wasn't good enough.So, I started a different story.Well, they're imagines.But still.And I also might start my own 1D story, but I'm not so sure how that's gonna work out.I might write the whole thing and type it up, but I won't upload it until I'm fully finished with it.So, stay tuned and you CimFams that are also Directioners (like me), will get a 1D story along with my Cimorelli one.So yeah, bye!

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