Chapter 20- Singing for Sheldon

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A/n: Am going to attempt writing this chp from a char's PoV. Enjoy~

Penny's POV

'What the...?!'

The leering teen before me suddenly sprang apart, as if struck by lightning. His coy expression twisted into one of utter shock as he yelled.

'You must be under the terrible influence of alcohol, sir. I apologize for having to do this, but you looked like you wanted to devour this poor girl here.' A familiar voice made my heart skip a beat. My vision wasn't the clearest but I felt a lazy smile take over my face as I looked at the blurry silhouette of the tall nerd and the pervert's scrunched up position as he forcefully rubbed his eyes. 'Let's get out of here, Penny.'

'Wait,' I scanned around. 'Bern-'

'You're not going to get away just like that, motherfucker.' A low voice growled. Before I could respond, Sheldon was on the floor, holding his bruised cheek in his hand. Another blow landed on him and I gasped involuntarily.

'Omg- Sheldon!' Bernadette finally came to our rescue. The pervert smirked as he openly stared at her boobs.

My best friend gave the sweetest smile any five foot lady could muster and promptly clobbed him over the head with her heavy purse, leaving the guy who towered over her considerably moaning in pain and seething with anger as he clenched his skull.

'That should teach you never to mess with a woman!' she shrieked in her classic Bernadette-the-wife voice. 'And guy.' she stared at Sheldon on the floor. 'Grab him & let's get out of here.'


The effects of the alcohol which had me buzzing with excitement and dulled my senses had seemed to finally died down. As we struggled to carry Sheldon to the couch, I felt a stab of guilt staring at his prostrate form as he curled up into a pitiful ball. He would never have been hurt if I haden't been so reckless and dove head(heart)first into a new relationship with a random stranger.

Bernadette's cell started buzzing.

'I said I was out.' Bern snapped. 'I'm at Sheldon's now. Yeah, something happened but I'm not going to tell you.' she said pointedly to Penny's relief. 'Howard Wolowitz, I swear you will be the death of me.' she sighed as she hung up.

'Is everything okay?' I asked out of courtesy.

'Not really... Howie needs his baby bolster to fall asleep & apparently it has mysteriously vanished.' Bernadette sighed. 'Sorry Pen, you know him. He won't let up until he gets his way. He's like a little kid.'

'That's alright... I think I can handle this.' I exhaled, lying through my teeth even though my brain was screaming for her to stay.

'I'll come over tomorrow first thing in the morning.' Bernadette promised. 'Do you want me to call Leonard?'

My spine stiffened. 'It's fine.' Thank goodness he was away at some convention and would be back only the next day. 'I'll be okay.' I squeezed her hand reassuringly.

I collapsed on the couch when Bern left. Sheldon seemed to have fallen asleep. I held back a smile as I looked at the ice pack on his swollen cheek. He looked almost... cute. Cute like a little boy, I mean.

'Penny?' Sheldon's voice was soft. I almost jumped out of my skin. I was holding a framed photo of Sheldon and Leonard posing happily in front of some Star Wars figurine. Well, Leonard was anyway. Sheldon had on his trademark poker face which only made me smile. I quickly put down the frame and walked to him.

'Are you feeling OK?'

'I've been worse... Penny, can you sing me 'Soft Kitty'?' he whispered with his eyes closed.

'I...I don't know the words?' I bit my lip.

'It goes like this...' Sheldon didn't have the best voice but I felt a funny warm feeling spreading over my chest as he sang.

I pat his shoulder awkwardly as I sang. 'Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur...happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr.'

I sat in silence for a few moments before Sheldon spoke up.

'Penny...I do apologise for my behaviour tonight. I just felt terribly uncomfortable seeing a pedophile trying to get into your pants.' Sheldon said almost bashfully. 'And that I couldn't do a better job of protecting you.'

'Sheldon... you did your best. You're a true gentleman.' I said wholeheartedly, feeling my cheeks heat up.

'Amy and Leonard told me.' Sheldon's words cut through the air thick with (sexual?) tension. 

'I found out about it in the worst way possible.' I bit my lip. 'I'm really sorry about this whole thing. If I've just been a little bit more discerning...'

'Penny.' Sheldon held out his hand stiffly. I stared at it curiously. 'You could not have prevented this.'

I felt my eyes well up with tears. 'I don't know. I screw up everything. I understand if you don't even want to be friends with me anymore.' I turned away, my cheeks burning with shame.

'Penny... ever since I met you, I am a changed man.' Sheldon said slowly. 'I started feeling... feeling emotions I have always tried to ignore. I was angry at myself that I had sucuumbed to these emotions, but it was strange how I felt closer to my friends for the first time in years.' he admitted. 'Even though I found out they were jerks.' he mumbled.

'Sheldon...' I let the tears run down my face freely. Startled, he lifted a shaking finger tentatively and wiped a stray tear off my cheek. I grabbed his hand impetuously and returned his unsure gaze.

'You make me happy.' I felt heat spreading throughout my body like a warm fire during winter as I leant forward and kissed him on the lips.

A/n: I find myself shipping these two more & more as I write... xp on a side note, I haven't seen the latest eps of bbt yet!! ( ep 10 onwards)Without giving spoilers, someone tell me if shamy is doing fine despite the breakup?? >< 
As always, thanks for reading, voting & commenting! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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