Chapter 9-Impressing Sheldon (1)

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Penny tried very,very hard not to look up. She channeled her energy into the chemical equation they were supposed to work on, barely giving Keith a second-long glance.

'Sheldon isn't here, yknow.'

'Sir, Keith won't shut up.' Penny exclaimed without lifting her head.

For the rest of the lesson, Penny found herself asking and answering countless questions. Sure, she made major blunders but she could feel that her brain was getting larger already. She couldn't wait to wave her exam paper with a giant red A+ on it in front of Sheldon's face. OK, maybe a B. Or C.

'Good work, Penny. ' Sheldon said first thing when he saw her walk out when the lesson ended.

'Huh?' Penny looked at Sheldon inquisitively.

"I saw what went down in class. You surprised me with your endless streams of questions and answers. Though not very profound.. I must say, it's a huge improvement and attempt on your part." Sheldon nodded.

Penny felt a warm glow eminate from her chest. "Wait, how'd you know?"

"Do you honestly think I was going to let the Old Man in there get the satisfaction of kicking me out?" Sheldon gestured to his laptop. A live feed of the classroom was transmitted onto the screen. "I planted a camera in there."

Penny couldn't help but chuckle. "You weren't too bad yourself just now. Who knew you could be good at acting?"

"Obviously, acting is nothing compared to the amount of research and thinking I do every day at work." He closed the laptop and hoisted his bag onto his shoulder as they walked back to their apartment. "Speaking of work, Amy Farrah Fowler has transferred to Caltech as part of the experiment she's conducting." 

"So you guys eat lunch with her now?"

"Of course, and as expected, she assimilated perfectly into our group." Sheldon said. 

"Oh," Penny mumbled. She wished she was as smart as Amy and had one thing in common with the rest of Sheldon's friends. An idea weaved itself into her mind suddenly. "Hey, I almost forgot to ask. I have a friend who's looking for a partner. Do you think you can fix her up with someone in your group?"

"How is she like?"

"She's blonde, petite-"

"I'm sorry Penny. She sounds like she wouldn't fit in."

"Oh, you think she's one of my cheerleader friends?" Penny rolled her eyes. "Actually, she was working part time at the Cheesecake Factory before she snagged a high-paying job at a pharmaceutical company. Zangen or something like that."

"Sounds like a real catch. I don't mind having her myself if it wasn't for Amy." Sheldon answered seriously.


"Bazinga," Sheldon's eyes glimmered with mischief and a half-smile which Penny was beginning to realise was his trademark smirk formed on his usually serious face. "I suppose you could bring her along for dinner."

"Perfect." Penny said eagerly. With any luck, she'd be able to pick up on some tips from Bernadette and fit in. Just like Amy is.


"There're going to be girls?" Raj and Howard chorused at the same time when Sheldon revealed to them about the plans for dinner.

"Yes, just Amy, Penny and Penny's friend who's looking for a potential partner." Sheldon said calmly.

"Sounds good to me." Howard shrugged, a cheeky grin on his face.

"She's never going to fall for you," Leonard rolled his eyes. 

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