Chapter 4-Sheldon Goes On A Blind Date

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'I have bad news.' Sheldon announced to the gang. As usual, they were at his apartment for dinner.

'I'm not taking you to the doctor's again to get that mole checked out, Sheldon. ' Leonard rolled his eyes.

"No, no that, although..."

"What did you mean to say?" Leonard quickly steered the topic back on track.

"Oh yes, Penny," Sheldon turned to the blonde sitting on the chair and chewing her food daintily. "I'm afraid I can't accompany you to your community college class this coming week."

"How is that bad?" Penny hid a smile behind the napkin as she wiped her mouth.

"On so many levels." Sheldon sighed deeply. "Gentlemen, I'm going on a blind date."

"Excuse me?" Leonard pretended to look shocked. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard?"

"You must be from Mars, nice to finally meet you," Howard piped up, an awe-struck expression on his face.

Sheldon ignored their jest & continued. "I promised Meemaw I would find a decent girl to settle down with soon... obviously I have no intention of doing so, but if it makes her happy, at least I have to let her be under the impression that I have a girlfriend.

"Ohh, so who is this lucky girl?" Howard raised an eyebrow.

"I got matched up to her on some dating site. Her name is Amy Farrah Fowler, a scientist like me. Her credential aren't half-bad, but she's a neurobiologist, so I can't say for sure." Sheldon's shoulders slumped. "What I will do just to get out of this!"

Penny's ears perked up instantly and she shot them a sly grin. "Look no further, the expert is here!"

"What?" Sheldon looked genuinely perplexed.

"I do have a few tricks up my sleeve," Penny wiggled her eyebrows playfully." It's my go-to plan when I find out the guy I've been dating is actually an egomaniac or just a really good looking homeless hobo."

The guys stared at her silently.

"What, at least I get dates!" Penny fired back defensively.


I'm scared.

Relax, Sheldon. Just remember what I've told you! 

Sheldon set down his phone on the table with shaky hands as he waited for his date to arrive. He knew his eidetic memory would never fail him, but he felt nervous at the thought of having to execute this preposterous plan on his own. This was the first time he'd actually wished Penny was by his side, annoying him to no end. Anything but uncomfortable & awkward silence. 

"Hello, are you Dr Sheldon Cooper?" a tentative voice inquired.

Sheldon's head jerked up abruptly and he eyed the straight-haired, bespectacled brunette standing in front of him critically. "Yes, I am. I suppose you're Ms Amy Farrah Fowler. Do take a seat." he gestured to the chair, although he felt an overwhelming urge to run over and help pull it out. But Penny's words rang in his ears and he settled down deeper into his chair.

"So Amy. I'm craving a medium rare steak. I suppose you want the same?"

"Actually, I don't eat beef." Amy smiled politely.

"Of course you don't." Sheldon let out a breathy chuckle. "I ordered you a salad beforehand. Gotta watch that figure of yours." he shook his head disapprovingly.

Amy's expression fell and she sucked in her stomach sub-consciously. "I suppose that's fine." she struggled to keep a cheerful deposition.

"I also ordered some wine and champagne. I don't want to brag but I'm quite a fine connoisseur." Sheldon boasted.

"I thought you were a scientist." Amy said quietly.

"I am, but alas, that is such a geeky thing. I prefer to dabble in the fine Arts and all." Sheldon exclaimed. God, he felt like gagging as he said the words but he had to distance himself from Amy as far as possible. After all, he did promise Meemaw he'd try but he didn't say he wouldn't fail...

"Ah, that's pretty fascinating." Amy nodded slowly. "I'm a neurobiologist myself, but I enjoy playing the harp very much."

"You play the harp?" Sheldon tried to mask his interest, but he was too intrigued to keep up with his facade.

"Yes, I do... I suppose that is nothing compared to what you do," Amy shrugged, mistaking Sheldon's surprised tone as genuine shock.

"On the contrary, it is my favourite instrument," Sheldon quickly said. "Its soothing, lilting quality is incremental in helping me go to sleep." 

"Really? Wow, I don't find a lot of people who genuinely like the harp, most people prefer the electric guitar or the piano." Amy blushed. "Would you like to learn it?" she ventured cautiously.

"Actually, I'd prefer not to." Sheldon admitted. "I would, however, like it very much if I could listen to you play."

Amy's cheeks coloured with embarrassment again. "I would very much like to as well." she said softly. She thought the date would have been a complete flop as usual, especially since Sheldon seemed so sure of himself and they didn't really have anything in common, but maybe, just maybe, this could go on for at least another two dates...


"Tell me it worked." Penny cracked open a bottle of red wine, swirling it at the bottom of the champagne flute before glancing over at her tall awkward neighbour expectedly.

"It didn't." Sheldon sipped his glass of water.

"Aw, sweetie," Penny glanced at him sympathetically. "What was it that drove her away this time?" she said as gently as she could.

"I'm going on another date with her."

Penny almost chocked on the wine which was halfway down her throat when Sheldon uttered the next statement oh-so-casually. "You are?"

"Yes, we actually share similar interests. As of now, I'm proposing to FaceTime her at least twice a week at night." Sheldon replied very seriously.

"Well, that is very good news." Penny found herself struggling to keep her smile on. "How is she like?"

"Upon first glance, she seems awfully plain," Sheldon said. "Brown hair looking like a duck caught in an oil spill, brown pools of dark eyes, and the ugliest shade of maroon cardigan which clashed with her dark green pencil skirt."

"Yeah, green does not go with maroon." Penny nodded fervently in agreement.

"However," Sheldon continued. "her intellect and qualities make up for what is lacking physically. Upon closer inspection, she does actually have rather captivating eyes." he conceded.

"Oh. So," Penny felt a little out of sorts. Maybe she had a little bit too much to drink, but the next words which poured out of her mouth made absolutely no sense to her whatsoever."Do you think I'm pretty?"

Yup. Definitely a bit too much....

a/n: I wonder how Sheldon will respond... x) Leave a comment and vote if you liked it! ^^ 

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