Chapter 6-Shamy...?

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Penny didn't want to admit it, but she was looking forward to her weekly community college night classes. Although she felt dead-dog tired afterwards most of the time and she struggled to internalise the concepts being taught, she found the topics pretty interesting. To top it off, she could work with Keith on a partner-project and swoon at him whenever he wasn't paying attention to what she was doing. The only thing which made her feel the slightest bit of uneasiness was the lingering, unspoken tension between her and Sheldon. Although there was an unwritten truce that both of them were not to mention what happened that night, the memory of the kiss was still fresh in their minds. Penny couldn't look Sheldon in the eye properly, and Sheldon maintained his metre radius distance from her.

Penny was feeling pretty darn frustrated after her shift ended and she was making her way back home. Her unreasonable boss had accused her of making sexual advances on a customer, although she was absolutely sure she had not. The customer had probably mistaken her usual extroverted and friendly remarks and gestures as flirtation. Fortunately, she was given another chance as long as another complaint didn't come up again.

Her phone rang out to the tune of Crazy Kids by Ke$ha and she checked the caller. Keith. Grinning slightly to herself, she stood by the door of the apartment and pressed answer.

'Hey, have you knocked off?' Keith asked by way of greeting.

'I just did. What's up with you?'

'I just ended not too long ago,' Keith said, referring to his internship in a small start-up financial firm. After he gets a degree, he planned to embark on ground-breaking research similar to Sheldon's field of interest, if she hadn't remembered wrongly.

'Are you up for dinner? I found a really cool restaurant not far from your place. '

'How'd you even know where I stay?' Penny couldn't wipe the smile spreading across her face.

'There's something called the yellow pages. and well, snooping. ' Keith admitted. 'So?'

'I'd love to. Just give me a half hour to wash up. '

'Ok, I'll be there at 830.' Keith answered.

Penny unlocked the door to her apartment hurriedly, eager to doll herself up and for the date to commence. She had a good feeling about this date which was absent in the countless number of dates she'd in the past. Not only was Keith charming, he was intelligent and witty in a way which Penny hadn't appreciated until recently.

'Hey, Penny! ' a familiar voice called out just before she shut the door. It was Leonard, Sheldon's flatmate. 'You joining us for dinner? '

'Not tonight sorry, I'm going on a date.' Penny answered cheerfully. A small part of her wanted Leonard to convey this to Sheldon so that he would be jealous.

'Oh, a date. Who's the lucky guy?' Leonard looked rather disappointed for some reason.

'This guy from my comm college class.' Penny said airily. 'He's so much more of a gentleman than the previous guys I'd dated.'

'Oh, ok. Have fun then. ' Leonard looked reluctant.

'I'll see you guys soon.' Penny smiled and closed the door.


'You look ravishing. ' Keith complimented Penny.

'Thank you. ' Penny smiled. She had spent 15 minutes just deciding on whether or not to wear this simple yet sophisticated looking dress. 'You don't look too bad yourself. '

'I know. ' Keith grinned impishly. 'So listen, I was thinking we could go back to your place after this. '

'What if I say no?' Penny raised an eyebrow coyly.

A Shenny Romance (Big Bang Theory Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now