Chapter 1- Penny's Challenge

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"Do you know the name of that blonde across the hall?" Leonard asked Sheldon. The pair were eating toast at the kitchen counter before heading off for work. It had been two weeks since Leonard had moved into the apartment. 

"Oh Leonard... I'm so sorry..." Sheldon said, straight-faced.


"I wasn't aware you were color blind. That lady across the hall is 67 years old and her hair is white as snow." Sheldon glanced at his flatmate sympathetically.

"Excuse me? I just very clearly saw a blond girl our age strut into that very apartment with boxes of things." Leonard frowned.

"Now you're just hallucinating." Sheldon shook his head. 

"I'll show you." Leonard marched right out of the apartment into the hall, half-eaten toast still in his hand. "Hello, Miss...?"

The blond girl-oh god, she was a stunner- whirled around. "Yes?"

"Uh hi, I'm Leonard, I live across from you. I just moved into my flat mate's apartment, actually." Leonard said.

"Really? I did too, as you can tell," she smiled ruefully as she struggled to carry the boxes in. "I'm Penny."

"Here, let me." Leonard said, quickly gobbling down the toast so that both hands would be free. Unfortunately, he had done so carelessly and a piece wedged in his windpipe. He felt himself gasping and spluttering for air, his face turning purple. Just as he was about to resign to the dreadful thought that he was going to die, a pair of arms wrapped around his torso and squeezed tight, causing a piece of mashed up toast to fly out of Leonard's mouth onto the ground. Penny thumped on his back lightly while he coughed for another few seconds and the hair on his arms raised as her hand landed on his back. She's touching me!

"Ohmygosh... you saved my life, Sheldon." Leonard said slowly, once the shock had worn off.

"Why do you look so surprised? It's what I do," Sheldon said in a way that could be misread as arrogance but was genuinely what he thought himself to be.

"Great, two new neighbours." Penny beamed. "Hi Sheldon, I'm Penny, your new neighbour."

"Hello Penny. Do you need help with these boxes?" Sheldon asked polietely. Physical chores were the last thing he wanted to do, but he was raised to be a gentleman.

"Yes, thank you." Penny said gratefully.

"Wow, these weigh a ton. Do they contain volcanic rocks?" Sheldon lifted one up.

"Just clothes." Penny giggled. "I have a lot of them, actually, usually leftovers from my acting classes which I pick up 'cause I can't bear to see them thrown away."

"You're an actress?" Leonard asked.

"Well, an aspiring actress. I just got a job at the nearby Cheesecake Factory as a waitress, but as soon as I land a permanent role, I'm gonna quit." she said cheerfully. "What do you guys work as?"

"We're scientists over at CalTech University." Leonard replied.

"To be exact, I'm a theoretical physicist and Leonard's an experimental physicist, so you can go ahead and take a wild guess who will keep their job when a financial crisis hits." Sheldon added in the most casual tone.

Leonard glared at him while Penny mustered an amused smile. "Would you like to come in to our aprtment? We're having breakfast and we have extra toast."

"Sure! Just give me a while to put all these in the closet." Penny smiled warmly. Leonard felt his heart thump wildly against his chest and quickly followed Sheldon back into their apartment so that he could grab his inhaler quickly. Just in case.

"Boy, she's stunning huh?" Leonard sighed wistfully, a goofy grin on his face.

"Research shows that there's an inverse relationship between a woman's physical appearance and the amount of IQ points they have." 

"You made that up." Leonard rolled his eyes. "In any case, our babies will be smart & beautiful."

"Not to mention imaginary," Sheldon mumbled. "So, I presume you suscribe to the belief of love at first sight?"

"I mean, it's possible." Leonard nodded.

"You do know that constitutes a mutual feeling from both parties, right?" Sheldon stressed on the word 'both'.

"Are you saying she won't fall for me?" Leonard frowned. "Just because what, I'm a "nerd" and she's a total babe?"

"Boy, Leonard, you're on a roll today. At this rate, you'' be discovering a new planet soon." Sheldon said, his voce void of sarcasm and genuinely impressed that Leonard had understood what he was trying to say. "Of course then I'll be coming along to invade it and name it after myself."

"What makes you so sure-nevermind." Leonard let the subject drop, knowing there was no point in trying to argue with Sheldon.

"Hey guys." Penny walked in. She had changed to a sundress and if it was even possible, looked even more gorgeous.

"Hey Penny. Why don't you take a seat while I get some toast for you?" Leonard jumped up.

"Would you like a hot beverage?" Sheldon asked.


"I'm sorry, it's customary for me to offer house guiests a hot beverage to make them feel welcome." SHeldon said.

"Ooh-kay then, a coffee will do." Penny smiled. Sheldon was such a sweetheart despite his awkward mannerisms. 'So, what do you guys do here for fun?'

'Well, we invite our friends over on the weekends especially to-' Leonard stopped short, realising how geeky he would sound in front of this hot girl if he'd said the truth. 'Um, just hang out. & we go out to the movies sometimes. '

'We also visit the comic book store weekly and have a gaming marathon every Friday evening. ' Sheldon piped up, completely destroying Leonard's plan to appear 'cool'. 'I suppose you have no interest in these activities.'

'Well, not what I'm usually into.' Penny admitted. 'But I did grow up on a farm surrounded by males, so...'

'Well then. Spiderman or Superman? Pick one & justify your choice. ' Sheldon said, folding his arms across his chest.

'Spiderman, ' Penny answered almost immediately. 'Because well, Andrew Garfield's hot.'

'& you said what I told you was untrue, ' Sheldon sighed, shaking his head at Leonard.'Just another typical female.'

Penny frowned. 'Excuse me?' Her previously good impression of him was crumbling.

'Penny. You are undeniably pretty. However. Your intelligence is exactly what we don't need for the greater good of mankind. ' Sheldon said honestly.

'Slow down there, tiger. You may be awesome & all at these scientific-ish and logic stuff, but I'm better than you at performing arts, so we're even here.' Penny retorted.

'I'll give you that, but anything not related to science is inferior, so I don't know the point you're trying to make. ' Sheldon answered smoothly.

'Guys.' Leonard cleared his throat weakly.

'If that's the case, Sheldon, why don't we have a bet? I'll sign up for community college and enroll in the science courses while you come with me to look for an acting gig when I'm job-hunting. And you have to land a role to prove that you're better than me. Because acting is just so inferior. ' Penny glared challengingly.

'Actually, that'll make an extremely interesting experiment... I'm in.' Sheldon said.

'Well then.' Penny folded her arms across her chest, a fierce look in her eyes.

A/N: Hey guys! This has been chapter one so far. Please vote and comment so that I know you liked it and want to read more.
Thanks x

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