Jirk (Jake & Dirk)

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"Hey Jake?" Dirk asked looking through the house for his new roommate, "Where are you?" he asked again. Walking down the hallway again he stopped finding jakes wallet laying on the table signaling he was here.

Suddenly he heard A soft clank. like Metal against wood. Along with some rustling. "jake? Is that you?" he said as he walked toward jakes bedroom. The closer he got the more defined it became. Knocking softly you heard a small voice from inside.

"Come in chap" Walking in Dirk was greeted to What one would call ... a chamber. "Would you by chance be interested in a good shower? " he said drawing out the word shower in his British accent.

"Well uh I guess but I should probably check on Dave..." Dirk said a bright tinge of red on his cheeks.

"Dont worry ole chap. He is at his mates house. I believe the boys name is karkat... How strange. Anyway shall we continue I could go for a good bonk. " he said leaving Dirk confused.

"What does bonk mean?" Dirk said losing his cool guy demeanor. Why does he do this to me?

"Bloody hell! Stop stalling and undress"  he said staring at dirk. His eyes slowly moved up and down dirk as he undressed. Lust slightly clouding his eyes in a haze.

God that was kinda hot. Dirk thought to himself  as his member pulsed at the things he had in store. Jake pointed to the bathroom before taking his shirt off. Walking in dirks eyes landed on the shower that already had water running. Pulling back the green curtain infront of it  his eyes landed on chains hung on the wall. His member pulsed again growing larger in size. This shouldn't make me so happy.

"Ah I see you've noticed my little toy. I set it up just for you mate." Jake said as he tugged dirk towards the chains. Slowly clasping one on each hand he began biting dirks shoulders. This earned him a painful moan as he bit harder and harder. Leaving marks and hickeys as he continued.  Dirk could feel Jake behind him. Taking advantage of his position and he loved it. This feels to good to be true...  Dirk thought to himself once again. Suddenly something invaded his body. Jake had inserted a finger trying to stretch him alittle. Feeling his large member on his back ,dirk was thankful that he was taking it kinda slow. But before he could finish that thought make shoved his full length into him.

Hope you guys enjoyed part one. I'll be updating again very soon. Keep an eye out.
Thanks -kris


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