How about some Pb&J

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Gamzee POV:

"Hey brother" I whisper hoping he is still awake. I don't want to have to wake him up just to ask for a blanket.

"G-gamzee, what is it?" He whispers back sleep thick on his voice. Clicking the lamp on he lets his eyes adjust to the light.

"Well you see brother I'm cold and would greatly appreciate it if you would point me in the directions of the wicked cloth that keeps you warm" I said hoping he understood what I was trying to say.

"Uh, d-do you mean a blanket?" His question only met with silence "w-well I only h-have one... You c-c-can share mine if you l-like" he said turning bright orange. He lifted the blanket so I could get under it.

Getting up I say "thank you brother, I'll remember to bring a ... Blanket next time I stay at your hive" snuggling down I notice how close how close to him I am and begin daydreaming about his kisses. Rolling over to face him I ask "Can I try something brother?"

"Y-yeah I g-g-guess" he shuddered looking me in the eyes. Taking a deep breath I leaned forward and kissed him. Softly at first then harder as I gained confidence it took him a minute to respond but soon he was sliding his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I refused him. Suddenly his arm was around my neck pulling me closer.

"G-gamzee I want you" taken aback I look at him. He looked like he actually meant it.

"I want you too brother. " I whisper kissing him again. He refuses me entrance so I grab his horns rubbing softly making him moan. I take it as a chance to enter his mouth as our tongues battle for dominance. Rolling on top of him I begin biting his neck. I can feel his member pressing into me. I begin rubbing him through his pants causing him to moan even louder.

-hehehe you thought I was gonna finish this story right now? Nope you have to wait.-

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