Story 1 : Tease

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"John!" you scream in your sleep again. Panting you lay back in your bed wth the relization that you , Karkat Vantas, are totally, completly, utterly in love with John Egbert. "Damn" you get up knowing what you have to do. Putting on your pants you check your hair in the mirror before running out your apartment door.

Since moving to the human world its been slow to adjust so a few minutes later you run back to close and lock your door. Even if Dirk owns the place and you along with the others that were part of the game live here, you still dont want to take any chances. You were taught that not all humans are trustworthy.

Finally finding the stairs you count the steps to his floor. As you get closer you think about turning back... but thats not an option, you have to tell him. you take a deep breath before knocking on his door.

"Karkat? Is that you?" John says rubbing his sky blue eyes. His eyes are so blue you could just drown in them. John opens the door alittle wider to let you in. Sitting on the couch you put your head n your arms mentally preparing yourself for what your about to do.

"John can you sit down for a moment its important?" you say patting the place by you on the couch. "i need to tell u something but you need to promise to stay calm"

"what is it buddy?" you flinch at the word buddy... this isnt going to go well you thnk to yourself. Shaking that thought out of out of your head.

With a shaky breath you look at him , "John I'm- I well, I love you! " you say as you begin to sob. Your shaking with the fear of rejection. The red tears staining your shirt as the many sleepless nights before have.

" Karkat you know im not ...a homosexual" a fresh sob fills the room as the dread seeps in. "But what you dont know is im Bi and" he lifts your face up, " i love you too" he kisses you with a passion you've never felt before. Pushing you back on the couch he straddles you , biting your bottom lip. Moans build in your chest as he nibbles your ear. He slowly moves down to your neck rubbing his hands down your chest. you cant do much more than try and pull him closer, its no use but you are leaving scratches down his back. He slowly lifts your shirt exposing your sensitive buds reaching up he pintches it between his fingers. A moan finally escapes you " Johnnn!"

You take off his shirt and flip him over " its my turn now john" with wide eyes he nods. You dont know much about human anatomy but you know they too are sensitive. You begin to rub his leg, using an up and down motion. Looking at his soft pink buds you begin to lick them causing him to squrim underneith you. You suck them and he moans causing your bulge to get even harder. You pull off his pants as you nibble his neck and he pulls off yours. Sitting at his entrance you reasure him youll go slow.


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