"I love you too Gina." He said as he slid the ring onto her finger before kissing it. "Promise me you'll never take this off no matter how mad I get you."

"I promise," Regina said as Christian wiped away her tears before giving her a kiss that let her know that he meant every word he said. Christian wanted to be every bit as devoted to Regina as he was to his career. He was determined to let nothing keep him from the life he deserved with her. Regina sighed as Christian dragged their lips apart; she sat with her eye closed anticipating his next move but it never came. When she opened her eyes, Christian was deep in thought.

"What's wrong?"

"I just had a thought."

"About what?" she asked a little annoyed that something had taken precedence over their intimate moment.

"What if the baby really is a girl?"

"What about it, you don't want a girl?"

"No that's not it just think about it right now I want to do all types of dirty things to you."

"I wish you would." Regina huffed as she rolled her eyes.

"You are someone's daughter, if we have a girl that means someday some little crusty boy will want to do the same things to my daughter." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's already making me wanna bash some heads in," he growled as Regina laughed.

"Try not to think about it too much. If the baby is a girl there isn't much we can do about it except buy her a chastity belt." She said hugging him. "Now how about you show me some of those dirty things you want to do to me." She said huskily.

"I don't think I can." He said. Regina rolled her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Thanks, kid you're already ruining our sex lives." She said giving her belly a poke. Regina looked at Christian and could tell that he was deep in thought.

"Fine while you're over there trying to figure out how to rid the world of the male population I'm going to sleep." She huffed as she turned onto her side and cut off the light leaving Christian in the dark.

The next morning Regina woke up to the bedroom door being flung open as Diana walked into the bedroom.

"Mom please she's asleep," Christian begged as he followed behind his mother. Regina sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes as she tried to figure out what was going on.

"Oh, honey I am so happy for you." Diana cried as she wrapped her arms around Regina. Regina looked at Christian her eyes asking him why his mother was here.

"Apparently Maxwell has a really big mouth." He said with a sigh as he pulled his mother off Regina.

"Mother please Gina just woke up can you give her a few minutes to get herself together."

"Oh of course how silly of me, take your time getting ready honey I'll go make breakfast," Diana said as Christian ushered her out of the room and closed the door behind her.

"Baby doll I am so sorry I never knew my brother was such a gossip."

"You know as well as I do once your mother starts prying for information you are bound to spill everything." She said stifling a yawn as she climbed out of bed.

"I guess now I can get some tips about this morning sickness but you have to tell her not to say anything to my father."

"I'll do that now, the woman works fast." Christian said before placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

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