Meeting the reds and blues.

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Hey rookies I'm so sorry I haven't been writing for a while I've a major writers block and I have been trying to do some revision as well as go to my after school clubs and my other outside of school clubs so I am supper mega sorry for not doing anything for a while. Please forgive me, and I hate GCSE tests.
(P/n) is personality name, I will use bold, or indented and underlined for the different one there is six in total if you want.

No ones P.O.V

It was a normal day living in a jungle listening to the radio about the Reds and the Blues defeated the director of project freelancer. You know of project freelancer because of 'the organisation', they were competing against the freelancer project. You were told they were blood thirsty killers and that they didn't care about anything. You knew the were wrong because of what you saw, they experimented on all the kids and they also tortured them.

You had been there since birth, actually you were made there. You were genetically modified, not a human but a super human, a monster (That's what you thought). Once you were able to control your abilities they treated you more like an animal. You finally escaped in a space pod but crashed landed randomly on the planet Chores.

Your P.O.V

After listening to the radio I made from the parts I found I decided to go for a wonder.

"it's so boring" I yell at no one

Oh, I know, I know what we could do (one of the many side effects of the tortured, you have different personality)
Shut up (p/n)
Both of you shut the ever living f*ck up
Stop being a party pooper (p/n)
I agree with (p/n), (p/n) you need to be quiet
'How about all of you shut up, it's hard enough having (p/n) try and help but (p/n) and (p/n) you need to stop shouting at (p/n)
;-p you got told off~
'Provoking them isn't going to help either (p/n)

"How do I put up with you six is beyond me *sigh* lets get back to camp *muttered*"

Sorry (y/n)
Yeah sorry
I think they won't argue for a while now so I suggest you try and sleep
'You know that's not possible (p/n), but I'll try anyway

Once I got back to camp I went to my tent, if you could call it that, to try and get some shut eye for a while. But I knew it wouldn't last long....
It doesn't stop, it never stops.
"Your pathetic, subject 2531 begging. It's really pathetic. Raise the voltage and power"
A little girl, covered in cuts and bruises. She sits still, waiting for the shock, she stays silent, waiting for the pain.
I'll make them stop, just let me
'No, no (p/n). I have to endure it
No (y/n) it's not going to stop
I agree
It hurts, please make it stop
I'm sorry I have to agree with the others
No we have to stay positive
'Ok just this once (p/n) let them have it and (p/n),(p/n) stay alert I could need you.
Let's give the. Something to scream about shall we
"What in blazes-
(Play music here)
"Let's have some fun"
(Y/n) had lost all control in herself, (p/n) had taken control and there was no way (y/n) could stop her. It's was blood bath, (p/n) killed everyone, no one was left not even the other test subject. (p/n) even killed (y/n)'s brother or so she though.
The memories just keep coming and coming, (I wrote that and my friends said something prevented just so you know it's not like that) there was no stopping them and (y/n) personalities were trying to wake her up but nothing worked until...
~~~~~~Nightmare stop~~~~~~

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