Marco x Reader Ring of Fire

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No ones P.O.V

(Y/N) was running into a forest away from the scientists that were hunting her down. She was scared as hell and then the worst thing happened she found herself on a cliff with the see beneath her, because of her Yōso Yōso no mi devil fruit it made it impossible to escape but (Y/N) would not give up so she started to scramble down the cliff and hide underneath the overhang of the cliff.

"Where their hell is it? Where the hell did that freak go?" one man yelled angrily,
"I don't know the boss is going to kill us if he find out we lost one of the twins" another man answered
"Well at least we have one of them" he said trying to calm down "Wait, you don't think it would have jumped? Or doubled back on us?"

He said almost panicking, the other man just chuckled.
"If it jumped then it's dead so we won't get in as much trouble and anyway we have one of them so it's not as bad, anyway we need to get back, don't forget we still need to figure out who let it out!" he said walking away.

After a few minutes the girl started to climb back up and looked around cautiously seeing if anyone was waiting for her to show herself. One she knew it was safe the girl started to cry silently, once she was done she activated her angel wings and started to fly with the wind she created.

A couple of weeks later

(Y/N) was drifting in a small boat across the sea, weak, tired and hungry. She decides to take a few minutes to sleep and relax so she could save some strength. About a hour later a storm had started to form, it woke (Y/N) up violently, she was terrified, afraid her little boat would topple over. After a few minutes the weather got worse and eventually the little boat went over she clutched the side of the ship as much as she could.

Eventually the storm dyed down and she was exhausted and hurting, she has clutched on so hard she had accidentally cut her hands with the wooden beam. Her eyes were staring to give out on her, she was getting extremely tired and was drifting in and out of consciousness. Just before she blacks out she sees a big ship and yelling.

Whitebeards P.O.V

"Otōsan we see something out to sea" one of my sons said "I is..... a little ......girl?!?!" This caught my attention and I made my way steadily to the side of the ship. "Well then let's bring the little brat onboard" I said with a smile.

  It took then a couple of minutes for them to safely get her onboard.
"Well it looks like the little brat is out cold, thatch please get her to the ships doctor ad wait until she wakes" I took one last look at her and she looked like she had been beaten and abuses.

"Marco, can you check the little boat she was on for anything out of the ordinary and then report back to me." Marco took a quick glance at her and then turned to me make a 'what are you think' face, he then went to her little boat.

(Y/N) P.O.V

There they were, the scientists that were experiment on me and my twin. Today they wanted to see how we work together but the collar was making me uneasy. Then I got a zap from the collar, they treated us like animals, toys, a guinea pig.

"OK, now subject 2531 and 1352, your objective is to get to the end of the course together." Then we both got zapped it was a more powerful zap and I screamed

"Arghhhh, stop *pant* we will do your stupid test *pant*" I was hurting the guards like to have there way with some of us and beat us. Then another zap.

"No, stop being ignorant and we might but at the moment no, now complete the task." Then a bigger worse zap went through my body and I woke up screaming.
(Dream end)

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