Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Plonking herself down on her bed, Kimberley began to flick through the pictures. It was only two days until she left, and she had just picked up the photos. The first one made her smile . . . it was the first picture they had took, the one with Kimberley kissing Cheryl's cheek. A single tear escaped her eye, quickly turning into heavy sobs. She really didn't want to leave, there was no other person out there that could truly make her as happy as Cheryl, and she firmly believed that.

After looking through the rest of the pile . . . occasionally laughing at Cheryl's silly facial expressions, Kimberley decided to take the other set to her girlfriend. Fixing herself a little, and retouching her make up, she then made her way next door.

" Hey Joan," she said as she walked by the kitchen window.

" Aww hey Kimberley . . . come in pet," the woman replied with a warm smile on her face.

The younger girl smiled back while opening the back door. " Thanks."

" Honestly pet . . . I bet your not as lazy as my lot. I dunno what they think I am . . . there Molly f*ckin' maid !"

Kimberley laughed as she watched Joan scurry around the kitchen, acting like a headless chicken. " Do you need a hand with anythin' ?" she asked, feeling slightly sorry for the woman.

" Nah pet its ok . . . thanks for askin' though. Cheryl's upstairs if you wanna go up."

" Are you sure ?" Kimberley asked, the large pile of clothes Joan was trying to balance looking rather unsteady. Rushing over, she grabbed the other side of the pile, helping the woman over to the basket, where she threw them down.

" Thanks pet . . . Them clothes are too heavy for me wee arms to carry," Joan replied gratefully. Running back over to the cooker, she lifted the lid off one of the pots, and began to stir its contents with a large spoon. " Do you wanna stay for tea ?"

Kimberley shook her head. " Nah it's ok . . . I've already had my dinner. I'm just goin' up to see Cheryl."

" Ok pet . . . If you get hungry just tell me."

The younger girl laughed, Joan was always fusing over her when she was over, asking if she was hungry, thirsty, too hot, to cold. It never seize to amuse Kimberley.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she heard a familiar laugh followed by two more. Instantly Kimberley knew Cheryl had Nicola and Nadine in. Knowing the girls wouldn't let the comments drop she had made about them, and still didn't like her, Kimberley decided to leave Cheryl too it, and return later with the pictures.

" Bet your glad to get rid of that one next door . . . cheeky *Female Dog* so she is !"

Kimberley frowned, hearing Nadine's comment. ' That's a bit harsh.' she thought. ' But then again telling Nadine she had lanky fingers wasn't very nice either.' Curiosity getting the better, Kimberley stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for the girls answer.

" Aye . . . she's a right weirdo that one . . . thinks she's better than everyone else. Hopefully we get some fit lads movin' in."

The older girl desperately hoped her girlfriend would stick up for her. She wasn't expecting Cheryl to declare her undying love, but the least she could do was tell them they were friends. But what she had just heard, well . . . it was the last thing she had expected. She thought Cheryl would have just agreed and said nothing else.

Before she could hear anymore, Kimberley fled. Running down the stairs, she left through the front door, deliberately avoiding Joan.

The tears streamed down her face, as she collapsed on the bed in front of her, her body had began to shake. Dropping the pictures she had in her hand, Kimberley lay there . . . a sobbing mess. She thanked god that her parents and siblings where all away out.


" Bye." Cheryl waved from the door, watching her friends walk down the street.

Going back inside, she walked into the kitchen, where her mum was sitting . . .  reading a magazine.

" Hey pet. Is Kimberley still upstairs ?"

Cheryl looked at her mum confused. " Kimberley ?" she asked.

Joan frowned. " Yeah . . . she came round to see you. I sent her up about half an hour ago. I think she had pictures in her hand or something."

" Did you see her leave ?"

" Nah pet . . . I thought she was still upstairs with you and the girls."

' The girls !' . . . suddenly Cheryl caught on. ' Did she hear what I said,' she thought, worried.

Running upstairs, the Geordie went to fetch her phone. Bringing Kimberley's number up, she pressed call. Cheryl sighed when there was no answer. Surley the girl must of heard her, Kimberley never ignored calls.

After throwing on her coat, Cheryl stepped outside, the cold summers night instantly hitting her. Making her way through to Kimberley's, she chapped on the door, thinking Diane would answer. She stood for about five mintues before knocking again. " Kimberley !" she shouted, but still there was no reply. " Kimberley please ?!", she tried again, this time the tears were welling up in her eyes, and her voice was cracking. " Please ?" she begged . . . although it was only audible to herself. The Geordie leant against the wall beside the door. " Please ?" she begged once more . . . this time louder, the tears streaming for her eyes. " I didn't mean it."

Kimberley sat at the top of the stairs, the girls pleas echoing up the hall. She was numb . . . her body was physically numb. In all honestly she knew Cheryl didn't mean it, she knew she was just saying it to look cool, but it still hurt. Once everyting went quite, she got up and made her way back into her room. Looking out the window, she saw Cheryl with her head in her hands, walking out of her drive and back into her own garden.

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