Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Shocked Kimberley took Cheryl's head between her hands, resting there foreheads together. " I would never do that ! . . . I want you Cheryl . . . I want you more than anythin' in this world," she sobbed, the tears falling freely down her cheeks.

" You can have me ," the Geordie responded, her grip tightening on the girls waist.

Kimberley knew before she'd even stepped foot through the door that it was going to be tough, but never in a million years did she think it would be this tough. The last couple of weeks had been the best weeks of her life, and she now knew the full extent of her feelings . . . . she was in love. It had scared her at first. ' Is it even possible to fall for someone so quickly.' she often wondered.

" No Cheryl . . . I can't have you," she eventually said. " I'm movin' "

" Movin' ?" Cheryl mumbled. Surely if Kimberley was only moving round the cornor, or to another part of Newcastle it wouldn't be this much of a deal. " Well I can get a train. Where ever your goin' . . . I'll come . . . I'll come and visit you."

The brunette watched as the girl gazed down at the floor. I'm movin' to Australia."

Cheryl's world stopped, her heart crumbled. This was the girl she was sure she was falling in love with. She had only known her a few weeks but she knew . . . she could feel it. " I'll get a plane then."

Both girls held each, their tears merging. " You know thats not goin' to work babe," Kimberley said while guiding her into the living room and sitting them both down. She watched as Cheryl cuddled up next to her, silence filling the room.

" But I want it to," was all the younger girl replied, breaking the silence.

Kimberley sighed. " Believe me . . . I want it to work too, but lets be realistic. I'm goin' to be half way around the world. We'll probarbly only see each other twice a year . . . if we're lucky. You know it won't work Cheryl."

The Geordie lay thinking. She knew Kimberley was right. " When do you leave ?" she asked, bracing herself for the answer.

Lying down flat on the sofa; Kimberley positioned Cheryl so she was lay on top, facing her. " Two weeks," she said, instantly seeing the tears welling up again in the girls eyes. " Which is why these two weeks we have together are going to be the best . . . I want to spent every minute with you, and I want them to be full of happiness . . . ok ?"

Cheryl nodded. Wrapping her arms around the girls neck, snuggling closer. " I'm still comin' to visit you though," she whispered into her ear. " Just think how good the sex will be," she then giggled.

Kimberley laughed, only Cheryl could make light of a situation like this. " In that case . . . I can't wait."

Pulling back, Cheryl let her lips hover dangerously near the girls. " Why wait ?" she asked simply before closing the gap between them.

The kiss was passionate, loving and in a sense desprate. Kimberley waisted no time pushing her hand up the girls skirt, feeling the wetness already. " We'll need to be quick," she said, her eye catching a glimpse a the clock on the wall.

Cheryl moaned. " I don't think it will take long babe," she growled, the feeling on Kimberley's hand placed so intimately on her body making her close already.

Instantly breaking the barrier; Kimberley pulled Cheryl's soaking wet knickers to the side. Her fingers slid in easily, pumping in and out.

Leaning down, Cheryl captured the girls lips with her own. Her mouth fell open slightly as Kimberley hit a sensitive area. " *Duck* !" she moaned, the feeling becoming too much to bear. Wanting a release she reached down, helping Kimberley out a bit.

The Geordie's body began to spasm as a powerful orgasm ripped through her tiny frame, tears welling up. " I never want this to end," she sighed, collapsing on top of the girl. " I want to be with you forever."

" Let's not think about it. Let's just think about the time we have left together, and more importantly let's enjoy it."

Cheryl grabbed hold of Kimberley's hand, playing with her fingers. " Why can't you stay here ? . . . Your 18."

" Babe if I could I would. I have no money, no house. It's just not goin' to happen."

As usual the front door sounded. Both girls sprung apart, wiping their tears away, and trying to act normal.

" Hey girls." Joan said as she walked by the living room door with a handful of bags. " I'm just goin' to put this shoppin' away."

" Ok," Cheryl replied while taking hold of Kimberley's hand again. " I'll come and help you in a minute."

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