I have to will myself not to cry because I didn't wear waterproof mascara being the idiot I am. I can't believe that he just poured out his emotions to me like that. It means a lot truly. I never knew that this has been holding him back for so long. 

"Greg, this really means a lot. I accept your apology and there's no need to cry, please," I tell him, resting a hand on his forearm. He grins sheepishly and I finally feel all walls between us disappear. This is nice; we've finally come to terms. 

He suddenly stands up and comes over to my side. He's hugging me in one swift movement and I'm laughing lightly at the situation. It just feels so relieving. 

"I love you, Emily," he says. 

"I love you too, Greg."


After getting together with Greg, I was on my own once again. The boys are going to be on tour for another month, and I honestly have no idea how I'm going to entertain myself. Maybe I can call up Zoe... wait, I can't. Her and Alfie are going out for the week to some cabin thing that she's surprising him with. Tanya is busy with meetings today as well. 

I guess I'm just on my own for now. Maybe I can go shopping. Food shopping that is. We need groceries at the flat, well, I need groceries. I even have time to go to the mall. I think I need a me day. 

So instead of going home, I go to Waitrose first to pick up a few things. We have, well had, a lot of fruit and such at the flat, but since it's just me, most of it spoiled. We need milk and eggs as well. Maybe I can bake something too! Haha, Emily, you know that you're atrocious at baking. Why would I want to do that? 

Instead, I send a quick text to Tanya and Zoe asking if they're free sometime soon to bake with me and go ahead a buy some baking things. 

I finish at Waitrose in under an hour thankfully, and struggle to put all of the bags in the boot of my car. Another disadvantage of having one arm I suppose. 

The mall isn't too far away and all I plan on getting are some shoes from TopShop that I saw online and thought were really lovely, and some new joggers from a Nike shop or something. Plus, they have a Starbucks in the mall and I really need some coffee. 

As I'm about to walk into TopShop, my phone begins to ring and I fish it out of my bag to see that it's Harry. I smile to myself at the sight of his name on my screen. I really love Harry. 

"Hello?" I ask as I answer my phone and make my way towards the shoe section of the store, pausing briefly to take a peek at the front section of the store with some cozy looking jumpers. 

"Emily! How are you? I miss you so much!" he says cheerfully. I laugh lightly and run my fingers over the material of a deep blue jumper that I might just buy. 

"I'm doing just fine, Harry. I miss you as well! What are you up to at the moment?" I can't stop smiling when talking to him, I have no idea why. 

I can hear laughter from the others boys I assume, "Just getting pumped up for the show tonight. It starts in about forty five minutes. Did you talk to Greg today?" 

I nod to myself and blush because he can't see me and I'm just nodding to no one in particular in public and I look stupid, "Yes, I did. He took the news pretty well and we came to terms with everything in the past. It was a nice chat. I'm at TopShop now, just picking up a few things," I tell him the rundown of my day. 

"Anything else you're planning on doing?" he questions out of curiosity I suppose. 

I shrug to myself and move on from the jumpers, reminding myself to pick up one before I check out, and go over to the shoe section, "Not really. All of my friends are busy and you lot are in America, so..." I trail off and huff to myself. 

"What's wrong?" he sounds concerned. 

I pout to myself and glance around at the racks and racks of clothing I pass by, "I don't really like to be alone all the time. Everyone I know is busy."

"I'm really sorry, Em. I wish I could fly home right now. But I actually have to go now, we're doing voice warm ups. I love you," he says in a rush almost. 

I grin at how he rambles and how adorable it is, "Good luck tonight! Tell the boys I say hi. I love you, too. Goodbye now," I end the call once he's promised to say hello to everyone and exchanged "I love you's" once more. 

I succeed in my mission to find the booties I wanted. I also picked up a pair of joggers and a grey knit jumper. The teenager working at the register was actually a fan of mine from Youtube and told me that she loved One Direction. My heart warmed at the fact that she kept saying how brave I was and how she wanted to be like me. We took a picture and I made sure to follow her on Twitter. 

I exited the store with a smile on my face. The little things that my viewers do really makes me feel all giddy and bubbly inside. They're all so sweet. I wish I could meet every single one of my viewers and become best friends with them. 

It takes me about an hour to get everything into the flat, put everything away, and clean out the fridge because everything was spoiled basically. I grew very tired even though it was only nine at night. So I decided to go to bed early. I wonder if I'm going to be this bored for the next month. I really hope not. 



i'm tired but i wanna watch markiplier

hmmmm... markiplier it is


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