"Hello," I greet the blonde haired woman.

She smiles at me nervously. "Hello. My name is Claire Tyler."

I shake her hand. "Kate Garner. What book are you showing?"

"Unfortunately, the one I'm showing is not in print, but I do have one of my others that is in print," she replies.

"May I see it?"

"Of course!" she excitedly replies before spending a few minutes finding the book. "Here it is."

I examine the book cover and read the back of it. The book cover is intriguing, along with the description. I open it and read a few pages. I gently shut the book, not allowing myself to show any emotion while doing so.

I look back at her and see fear in her eyes. "Do you have any way for me to read the other one?"

"Um, y-yes," she stammers nervously.

"May I do so?"

"Um, of course."

I nod and wait for her to find the book. She soon finds it and hands it to me. This one is just typed on paper. I read through a few pages before handing it back to her.

"D-did you like it?" she asks.

I finally allow myself to break, and I smile at her. "No. I didn't like it." Her face falls. "I loved it!"

"Really?" she asks, shocked.

I laugh and say, "So much so that I have an offer for you that I hope you can't resist."

"I hope not!" she exclaims.

"I work for the Parker Editing and Publishing Company. I assume you've heard of it?" I say.

Her eyes go big, and she says, "Have I ever?! I sent my first book to one of the branches, and they rejected."

It is my turn to be shocked. "They made a mistake because I think you're amazing. My office is in South Hart, the town right over. Here's my card. I hope you'll consider coming over to discuss something."

She nods, and I say goodbye to her before walking out of the bookstore. I smile at how excited she seemed. This is why I love my job.

My phone beeps, and I see a text from Beth telling me where she is. I start looking around for the building where she says she is and find it with almost no difficulty. I quickly hurry to the small bakery she named and spot her when I am inside.

Sam is sitting with her, and I join them. He is telling Beth about his meeting. I immediately feel like I am third wheeling again. He begins to whisper something in Beth's ear, making her laugh. I roll my eyes.

"Kate?" a surprised voice asks from behind me, causing Beth's eyes to go wide and Sam to sit back in his chair dejectedly.

I turn around and see Josh Tucker, of all people, staring at Beth. I quickly stand up and get him to look at me so I can speak.

"Josh Tucker, what are you doing here?" I ask.

He lets out an awkward laugh and says, "Well, I happen to live here."

I raise my eyebrows. "Here? In Bark? The town right next to South Hart?"

"Um, well, yeah," he says.

"Hi, my name is Sam Williams. I remember seeing you at Beth's, but I don't remember officially meeting you," Sam interrupts.

I turn around and move out of the way so Josh can shake Sam's hand. Beth also stands up. I take a look at her face and see her blushing uncontrollably.

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