Chapter 18

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~{Chapter 18}~

Sunday passed by as a relaxed day, and I enter a new work week with a smile on my face and peace of heart.

"Good morning, Miss Garner," the receptionist greets.

"Good morning," I say cheerfully.

I sit down at my desk and turn my computer on, along with my laptop. I take a contract out of one of my files and look it over.

"Miss Garner?" I look up and see my secretary, Miss Stevens.

"Yes?" I say.

She sits down in the chair across from me and says, "I need to tell you something."

I raise an eyebrow. "Personal or work?"


I set my paper down and look her in the eye. "Go ahead."

She takes a deep breath, "I don't think I can keep working here."

"Why?" I ask kindly.

"Well," her eyes start filling with tears, "I don't think it'll be a good idea for me to work here when everyone is so conservative and into this whole God thing."

"Amy," I say, using her first name, "I need you to tell me what's wrong and why you're feeling like this. Did someone say something to you?"

She shakes her head. "It's nothing like that. Everyone's so kind, but I don't think they'll continue to be kind when they hear about this."

I stand up and go sit beside her. "What is it?"

She takes a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, and I know the dad won't help me. I've already told him, and he isn't happy."

I take her hand in mine. "Why would you think that would make everyone rude to you? Who would you think you would have to quit your job?"

"All of you have these beliefs, and I know y'all don't agree with having a child out of wedlock. All my life I've had people all around me judging me. They held the same beliefs y'all did. They made my life miserable," she explains.

I sigh and pull her into a hug. "We aren't supposed to be like that."

She pulls out of the hug and asks, "What?"

I take a deep breath; this is my chance to use my experience to help someone else. "I used to be like you. I used to be judged by many, many Christians. It wasn't until I met my sweet James that I found out what Christianity is really about. We aren't supposed to judge. We are supposed to show love to everyone, but it doesn't mean we love the sin. Even if we aren't supposed to love the sin, we aren't called to condemn anyone, and we shouldn't because we are in no way perfect. There are just those people out there who believe that they're better than everyone. Amy, I promise you that every single believer in this office won't judge you or start treating you differently. They know how we're supposed to act. They know that Christ calls us to love and not to condemn people."

"Are you positive?" she asks.

"I'm so positive. Those people who condemned you or always told you that you don't have a chance, are so wrong. They weren't speaking in love like God has told us to. Trust me. Take a leap of faith and stay," I say.

She wipes her tears away with a tissue and nods. "I'll stay. I'll just try it out for a bit and see if it works out."

I smile. "That's all I ask. If it does happen, I can't stop you from leaving. I can tell you that that's not how we're supposed to treat others."

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