Chapter 11

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I bolt into an upward position. My cheeks are wet with tears. I thought I was finished with the flashbacks.

I look over to my clock and see that it's four o'clock in the morning. I get out of bed and walk over to my closet. I turn the light on. I have a little table in the corner of the closet. On the table is a picture of James in his uniform.

I take the picture off the table, turn the light off, and leave the closet. I switch on my nightstand lamp and sit down on one of my window seats. I stare at James' picture.

I whisper, "Why did you leave me? You knew I needed you, so why did you have to go? How can I ever love anyone again? My heart has a large hole that still hasn't healed. It's almost been a year. How have I lived this long without you?"

I, of course, get no response from the picture. I lean against the wall and close my eyes.

"It will be okay."

"How could you know?" I say without even thinking about who it is.

"Trust me."

"This isn't the first time you've let me down. How can I ever trust you again?"

I don't get a response. Somehow, I realize I'm wrong.

I sigh. "I trust you."

I walk back to my bed and lay down, holding James' picture tightly. My head is filled with thoughts of him as I slowly drift off to sleep.

Beep, beep!

I groan as I slowly open my eyes. I roll over, almost smashing something. I look down and see James' picture staring at me. The memories flood back from just a couple of hours ago. I take his picture and stand it up on my nightstand.

I slide out from under my covers and go to my closet. I pick out a black, knee length dress. The dress wasn't too tight or too loose. I also grab my red blazer. I pair the outfit with a red necklace and red shoes.

After putting on my shoes, I run downstairs to grab breakfast and my things. I hurry to my car and drive to work. When I get to the office, I see a huge crowd of people in the center of town. All of them are being assigned their last minute jobs for the parade.

I walk into the office and stop to talk to my secretary.

"Hello," I say.

She smiles. "Good morning, Miss Garner."

"Any news for me?"

"I think we have some college students coming today. You also have an interview lined up with a potential editor."

"Sounds great. Any new books?"

She shakes her head. I smile at her and walk into my office. I set my things down and get to work. I'm engrossed in a book when I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see Beth in the doorway.

"Hey," I say.

She sits down across from me and smiles. "Hi."

"How'd the interview go?"

She shakes her head. "Don't ask. It was pretty horrific."

I laugh. "It couldn't have been that bad."

"You don't know the half of it."

"From that tone, I'm guessing you didn't get the job."


"What if I offered you a job here?"

"Kate, I know we're friends, but I don't need your pity. What do I know that can be helpful at a place like here?"

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