Chapter 6

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~{Chapter 6}~

"Hello, Ms. Garner," Mr. Parker says as he walks into the diner and over to where I am.

I stand and shake his hand. "Welcome to South Hart."

He smiles and gestures for me to sit down. I take my seat, and he does the same. We both order food and chat until our food comes. Once our food comes, he steers the conversation to business. He talks about how everything is going in New York, and I listen intently. Soon, he starts talking about more "personal" things.

"So," he begins, "Where are you living?"

"I'm staying at South Hart's Bed and Breakfast."

"You don't have your own place?"

I laugh nervously and shake my head. He clucks his tongue and sips his drink. I nervously tap the table, waiting for him to say something.

"You know, I have an excellent architect that could do more than just one project while he's here."

"What do you mean, Mr. Parker?" I ask.

"Ms. Garner, I am always trying to provide for my employees, and it looks like you need a home. I don't want to hear any arguments from you. After all you've gone through, it's the least I can do," he calmly explains.

I take it all in and then say, "I appreciate it, but I don't think I can agree to that. I'm not a charity case."

"Think of it as something that will be useful to the whole company. Most likely, you're going to be hosting parties for book releases and other things at this house. If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to have to take a little money out of your salary while working on this project."

Even though I knew he could afford to build a mansion without taking money out of my salary, it still made me feel a little better. "I guess you win."

He laughs and takes a bite of his burger. "I always do."

I give him one of my rare smiles and ask, "When are you going to start building?"

"Hoping to start on Thursday."

"Really? That soon?"

"I've been working on all the plans back in New York. I've already looked at land and picked which land I want for the office. I have even bought it. I need you to pick land for your house, though."

"Where are you building the office?" I ask before taking a sip of my water.

"At the end of the street. It's going to be spacious and modern but not too modern. I know that the people want to keep the town looking..." he trails off at the end, unsure of what to say.

"Historical," I finish for him, knowing that it is hard to describe South Hart.

He laughs and says, "Perfect word. Thank you!"

We talk and eat until we are finished, and I lead him to the bed and breakfast. When we get in there, I go to the back to get Mrs. Parker. She had told me to go to the back if I ever needed anything. She said that she would happily help me in any way she could. I have decided to take her up on that offer. I look around the room but don't see her.

"Mrs. Parker?" I call out.

I hear something being moved and then a voice say, "How many times have I told you to call me Violet?"

I turn around and see Mrs. Parker, excuse me, Violet standing with a grin on her face.

"Um, once?" I say in a questioning tone.

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