Chapter 6 - Team Battles (Pt. 1)

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Lucy POV

"Welcome to the third day of the games" said the announcer. "Today we are doing team battles. The first battle today, as requested by Master Jiemma, Fairy Tail Team A Juvia Lockser and Lucy Heartfilia vs Sabertooth Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney" me and Juvia looked at each other "Why us" we say in unison. Master came up behind us. "Because you are the strongest team in Fairy Tail" me and Juvia jumped 3 feet. "Geez don't scare us like that" "Sorry about tha-" he was cut off by Natsu, Erza, and Gray.

"We are the strongest team" they yell. "My children Lucy is a ultimate mage and Juvia is a ultimate dragon slayer" he said while looking at them. "Well I am a dragon slayer too. Oh by the way what does the ultimate stand for" Natsu said confused. "One, ultimate means that I have all magic and Juvia has all dragon slaying magic and Two, Don't talk like your superior to everyone you pyro" I said harshly. "Excuse me?" Natsu said. "You are the person who hates it when people are mean to their nakuma, yet you called me weak, a replacement, ugly, a SLUT!" I yelled. "When you came down to say Good Job you had a look of disgust. Well I don't like it when people hurt their nakuma either so that means I don't like you." I said walking away 'Well that shut him up' I thought as I smirked. "Oh and Gray" I said still facing forward. "Y-yes" Gray stuttered. "Why do you think Juvia is weak" I asked looking down. "What I never said that." "You did say that Mirajane recorded it" Juvia said. "Wait why did Mira take a video" Erza asked. "Let's just say that she thought that Gray liked her." I say scratching the back of my head while laughing awkwardly. "MIRA" I yell. "Yes princess" Mira said sarcastically. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Sorry I had to." Juvia, Mira, and I are like sisters. We are inseparable. "But what did you need" Mira asked. "Let me see the tape." She handed me the tape and I played it.

~On the type~ Normal POV

Gray: Juvia can I talk to you
Juvia: Yeah, What is it Gray-sama
He has no sparkle in his eyes
Gray: You are weak and we never liked you
Lucy: And who is we Gray
Gray: You're not part of this Lucy
Lucy: Yeah I am
Gray: Fine we means the guild
......... SLAP ............... Lucy slapped Gray. Everyone looked at them.
Lucy: What is wrong with you!
Gray: ...........
Lucy: How could you! Juvia loved you with all her heart and you just shattered it!

~end of tape~ Lucy POV

Gray looked confused. "I never said that. I am so SO sorry. To be honest I like her as more of a friend" Gray said blushing. Mira and I looked at each other. "OH MY GOD GRUVIA FO LIFE" Mira and I screamed at the top of our lungs and held up our hands and formed a heart around them. "Awwwwwwww" We screamed again. "Stop please" Juvia said. "OK ok we got to go the fight is about to start" I said in between laughs. "Good luck" Gray and Mira said at the same time. "This isn't over pyrite" We walk away as if nothing happened. 'Oh ho so that is his name, say he is kinda cute. WHAT AM I THINKING.'

Normal POV

Juvia and Lucy walk out into the arena, with half of the crowd cheering for Lucy and Juvia and the other half cheering for Sting Eucliffe Rogue Cheney. "OK I want a clean fight and DON'T DESTROY THE CITY." The pumpkin head guy said while eyeing Lucy. Lucy throws her hands in the air in defense. "That was one time" Lucy yelled with a tick mark on her forehead. Everyone backed away slowly. "Okay calm down Lucy" Juvia says in an attempt to calm down Lucy. "Okay then, Let's start the battle" The pumpkin head guy dude... Whatever his name is said. "Fine *hmph*" Lucy said crossing her arms. Lucy and Juvia walks away then turns around while Sting and Rogue gets into a fighting stance. "Ready, Set, GO!" The pumpkin dude said while running away so he would die with the crazy looks on their faces. They shot at each other fists blazing with their elements which Lucy is star light.

~To Be Continued~

A/N - Gomanisai I didn't update for long. I love you all and hoped you liked it. I honestly think that this is the best chapter so far. Also I changed this to a Stilu and Gruvia book not a Stilu and Navia. Arigato Minna.

Next Chapter: Team Battles (Pt. 2)

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