Chapter thirty one- A Christmas to remember

Start from the beginning

I handed her the gift, and started passing out more. Eventually we had gotten through half of them. 

   "Bring on the gifts!"

   "Here Gray. This ones from Natsu."

Gray eyed Natsu suspiciously, then opened it. He pulled a shirt out, and glared at Natsu. 

   "Maybe if we give you enough clothes, you'll stop stripping."

Everyone started laughing, but Gray continued glaring. We finished passing everything out, and people put their gifts in a safe spot. I'm actually surprised with how many presents were given to me. I got new clothes, a necklace, a couple books, a bean bag seat, and some bath stuff. My favorite thing I got though was a stuffed animal that looked like a snow man, but also a dog. Natsu gave it to me, and said his name was Plue. After putting all my stuff away, we started eating the dinner Mira made. 

   "This is so good."

   "More please!"

   "Mira, you're a cooking goddess."

She would always giggle at the comments everyone made. It would be hard to believe that someone who looks as innocent as her would be capable of the things she is. When everyone finished, we played a few games to finish off the night.

   "We had fun."

   "So did we."

   "Seeya Lucy!"

   "Bye guys."

The door shut behind them, and I was suddenly lifted into the air. 

   "Natsu? What are you doing?"

He kicked my door open, laid me on the bed, and leaned over me. 


   "Luce, I have another present for you."

I was confused. As he moved from on top of me, and I sat up and looked at him. He let out a sigh, turned around, and pulled a box out. Getting on one knee, he opened the box and a beautiful ring was inside. Is he...No way.

   "Lucy Heartfilia. I am in love with you, and wish to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you do me the honor?"

I was silent for a moment, then started shaking my head yes. 

   "Yes, Natsu. Yes!"

 Tackling him with a hug, we both laughed as we fell to the floor. He slipped the ring on my finger, and it was in front of the ring he bought me for my birthday. I smiled looking down at them. 

   "Well now that that's settled."

A seductive smirk appeared on his face, and he laid me back on the bed. 

   "Lets have some fun."

   "Or not."

I tried sitting up, but he pushed me back down, making me pout. Natsu started climbing closer to my face, and I watched as his body was getting closer to mine. He leaned down, gave me a kiss, and smiled. 

   "Natsu, don't try anything funny."

   "What? You mean like this?"

Another smile appeared on his face, and he grinded his body against mine. I let out a gasp, which made him smirk even more. He repeatedly did it, over and over again, and I bit my lip. 

    "Is that a blush I see?"

He pointed at my cheeks, and I buried my face in his shoulder. His body shifted, and we were now laying our heads on the pillows, smiling. 

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