~ch 3

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Sorry this Ch is so short I have been having a bit of writers block and I have been busy with home work ect.... and you probs don't want to listen to my problems. anyways I don't own Naruto and if I did I would be god's gift to this earth. I own Sunny and her part in the story and if you watch Naruto you would know which parts happen and which parts don't. I hope you enjoy this and it really boast my confidence if you vote and leave comments. thanks

(Sasuke's p.o.v)

That dumb blonde was really starting to piss me off big time, she was always smiling as if you didn't understand the cruel world around her. Even when she was walking she had a little skipped in her step. Everything about her made me want to slam her face in, she was just too innocent. I murmured under my breath before I jumped after her.

(Sunny's p.o.v)

"Hey Uncle Kakashi, I thought I got you a watch for your birthday" I smiled at him.

"And I thought I got you a dress for your birthday" He retorted.

"Touché but your still late, you need to work on your timing"

"What can I say, a black cat crossed my path"

"Like I haven't heard that one before" I grinned, I looked over to my team mates. Naruto looked clueless, Sakura was making goo-goo eyes at Sasuke and Sasuke looked pissed as ever.

"So, you going to tell his why we are here" I asked.

"If you had stayed awake during my explanation then you would know" He sighed before continuing, "The Genin test is not over yet and all it takes to pass is one of these" light glanced off the shiny objects in his hand. The tinkled lightly like a bird's chirp. In his hand there were three bells. "You have to get one these from me, if you do it then you past" Kakashi smiled under his masked that cover the lower half of his face.

"Kakashi-sensei, why are their three bells instead of four" Sakura asked.

"Because one of you will not be passing" suddenly the air grew very tense.

"Very well" Naruto said before rushing Kakashi. This ended up with Naruto eating dirt.

"I didn't finish explaining" Kakashi said letting me help Naruto up. "You have until 12 and loser gets to tied to a post while the others eat lunch".

"That why you told me to eat lunch!" Naruto shouted, I smiled at him, and then I put on my game face, letting the emotion fade from my eyes, my lips turning into a line. I cannot lose.


(Sasuke p.o.v)

Sunny looked like a different person, like someone had enter her mind like Ino's mind transfer jutsu. It was almost scary. Her eyes not dulling but glowing with something I could place with words.

"Begin" I blinked and she had shot off. I ran and hid from view following her lead. I found a good hiding spot high in the trees. Naruto stood in front of Kakashi, attacking over and over again. It ended with Kakashi poking him in the butt. A yellow flash dashed from the woods. Something shot for the ground constricting Kakashi's movements as they wrapped again his body. Sunny's fist slammed into the ground. the sound of earth slitting rang in the clearing. A four bears with grass for fur clawed their way from the ground. A large flat fish like creature made of mist (string rays) burst from the lake close by quickly give her cover. Sasuke lose sight of the bears as they were about to pounce. When the mist cleared a badly beaten Kakashi stood. He was pulling down his head band over his eye. Sunny was passed out on the ground, she was twitching, it looked like she had put up a good fight. This was going to be easy if she could put up such a fight, I was way more painful than her. 20 minutes later I was buried up to my neck in dirt.

(Sunny's p.o.v)

I groan, my head was killing me, I open my eyes but everything was furry.

"Sorry Sunny, I hit a pressure point, but your sight will return after a few minutes" Kakashi's voice sounded to my left.

"You didn't have to go all out" I rubbed a sore part on the back on my head.

"If I hadn't I would be six foot under, remind me you need training on self control" he chuckled.

"You went all out" I heard Sakura's voice. Me and Kakashi both ignored the question.

"All well, I win" I smiled at Kakashi.

"What do you mind you never got a bell" He eyed me carefully.

"I didn't, did I" I patted the ground and an crocodile rose from, coughing up a small dirt covered bell. Sakura screamed at the sight and tried to jump into Sasuke's arms but he stepped out of the way letting her fall. The little silver showing sparking in the sun light. I picked it up and wrapped of the dirt off, it ringing and twinkling.

"When did you get that" Kakashi sound confused and amused at the same time.

"It was a move showed me when you were fighting Gai. First you draw their attention with a main attack aka the my grass bears, then you need some cover or a something to draw their attention, aka my mist and then you get behind them or under" I smiled.

"Aka the crocodile" He folded his arms. "Who knew you actually paid attention to my fights" He smirked.

"Who is Gai" Sakura asked.

"A friend" I shrugged. She was silence a while like she was trying to find the right words.

"How do you make those animals" She asked.

"It's a kind of kekkei Genkai but I don't belong to a clan, and I have pour over every book in the library and have never come across a clan with my powers. The closes Kekkei Genkai to mine was one that controls the elements but they couldn't created in depended life like me. The hokage thinks that my parents were descendents of two clans and My Kekkei Genkai is some kind of hybrid of that" I smiled.

"Where are your parents now" She smiled, mine fell and I looked at my hands.

"They were killed when I was little, I don't know who did it but it wouldn't matter because I was too little to remember" I said trying to sound cheery. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"I have got a bell, my work here is done, I am going to going" I said my voice betrayed me, breaking. I felt tears prick my eyes. I felt their eyes on my back.

"That's fine, Sunny, well done, you did good" Uncle Kakashi spoke and I jumped off.

It was dark now, I lay on top of my roof, staring at the sky. My eyes were puffy and red. I didn't know why I cried, I didn't even know them, why would I be said. I tried to count the stars, that is what I did when I was upset. I could never get all of them though, but it helped.

"Hey" I turned and saw Sasuke, he was stood there, his face carful clear. "What are you doing." He asked. I turned back to the sky.

"Counting the stars" I said.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, I opened my mouth and closed it again. I just... I didn't know really.

"It's calming, like when people count sheep to calm down" I spoke. "I guessed you past Kakashi teamwork test" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nod.

"That's good, it would be lonely when a team by myself", all was quiet for a while and I was about to break the silence when, to my surprise, he spoke.

"My parents were killed too, By my brother, I how what it is like to be alone with only a large empty house to yourself." He said, I knew what he was talking about. Everyone knew about the Uchiha clan. "So if you want to talk about it, I am a good listener" He continued, I turn my head. He was looking out over the village, his cheeks had a light dusting of pink on them. I giggled and he snapped his head round, Suddenly angry.

"I'll might take you up on that, Thank you" I nodded, sitting up and waving goodbye, before disappearing into my own house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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