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Beep... beep ... beep

my hand clashed down onto my alarm. I groaned, my body screaming at me. I had somehow bandaged myself up before pasting out. I stood up starting in front of my full length mirror and started take them off. the stab wound in my back had scabbed over, it wasn't too deep and did little damage. I had many bruises, the darkest a hand print round my throat. I sighed and saw how messed up I looked. I re bandaged my wounds and dress in my normal wear. My clothes for last night had been sadly lost but I had spares and had just put my shoes and exited my flat when I saw a orange figure curled on the right side of my door. I poked him with the toe of my boot.

"Naruto, time to get up buddy" I said, he was very dirty like he didn't go home last head, a head band clasped so tightly in his sleeping hand I doubted I could take it from him. I smiled and went back inside my flat. Taking three rice balls I had make for dinner, it was the only thing I could make without burning or poisoning it, and a water bottle from the kitchen. Went I walked out I made sure to slam the door extra hard making Naruto jump awake and bang his head on the wall he was lining against.

"SUNNY, YOU'RE OKAY" he said jumping to his feet, and I slapped him over the head.

"You're going to wake up the neighbors and be late for school" I sighed. "You better eat on the way" I said handing him the supplies and started walking.

"Wait Sunny" He said catching my wrist. "I-I wanted to say thank you for what you did last night, for fighting for me" He said eyes down. I Smiled warmly at him.

"Sure what are friends for" His snapped up and his mouth dropped open a little.

"Friends" he repeated.

"Yes, now come on, echo, I don't want to be late for the last day of academy" I grin and started walk, Naruto after a moment fell into step beside me.

I sat in silence as I, or should I saw we, waited for our new sensei. After getting to school Iruka told us the teams we were going to be in.



"HUH" I jumped my eyes returning from the window to Iruka, "Sorry I wasn't listening..." I grinned rubbing back of my neck. Iruka groaned.

"I was just announcing, team seven, you are the first on the team, followed by Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha" He finished. I guess that wasn't too bad. Sasuke wasn't too bad but he was always piss and had a huge emo. Sakura, never talked to her, she was Sasuke's stalkers and was a fan girl but she was pretty, I guess... yeah I don't know. Naruto was ok if a bit reckless. This will be interesting.

end of flashback

I sat on a desk watching Naruto as he stuck a black bored duster between a door, while Sakura complained and Sasuke 'tch' and looked pissed, with his arms over his chest.

"What crawl up your ass and died" I asked.

"What?" He looked surprised that I had spoken to him.

"Who got you panties in a twist, why are you pissed?" my tone probably too casual.


"You're not good at talking are you so far you know two words, Tch and what, well Uchiha" I said monitoring his face closely with one eye closed.

"Hey Sunny, You can't talk to Sasuke like that" Sakura whined.

"Why, last time I check he wasn't higher up on the food chain, we are all on the same level that may chance one day but for now we are the same, If someone thinks there are better than someone else than they can't work as a team" she seemed a little speechless. I smiled at her, my smile was friendly.

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