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I don't own Naruto, please support the Naruto anime series, it's a must see and had me hook by the 10th ep

The ninja took another cigarette, only to find out it was the last in the packet and replacing it. He had been trailing thieves who has stolen a very powerful weapon and has followed them to their hid out. The village leader had refused to tell the hired ninja anymore about the weapon. They had set up camp in a small cave which was more like a half dome cut into the rock. About 4 meters high and 6 back. A small fire was set out in the middle, the four men that sat around it trying to keep warm, casting shadows on the wall. There was also a small bundle one the floor, which one of the men was poking with his sheaved sword.

"You think it's alive" the men's voice echoed off the walls.

"Better be, pretty little thing put up quite the fight, bite my ear off" Asuma could see that the second one to talk had a bad of cotton bandaged to the side of his head. With another much harder jab with the make shifted poker made the bundle give a muffed groan.

"Look who graced us with its presents, and such pretty eyes, I see why it was prized" the man cooed, "Yes, we will get a pretty penny for it".

Asuma and Kakashi were quite surprised when they finally saw what the bundle was. It was a child's body, facing away from them; they see that the child's hands and feet were tightly tied with rope. The child was only wearing a dirty white night grown and they could see the shaking of the thin shoulders. Asuma turned to Kakashi, he nodded Asuma got the message. The fight didn't even last a minute. Kakashi took out the men, Asuma untying the cloth round the kids mouth. Closer up Asuma saw the child wasn't shaking with the cold but in fear.

"Hey child, it's okay we're not going to hurt you" He cooed softly, trying not to scare the kid more.

"Yes" The voice came almost so quiet he almost didn't heard it.

"My name is Asuma and this is Kakashi, what's you name little one" he said finishing cutting the ropes and helping the kid to sit up.

"They called me weapon, but I didn't like that but Miss Leila called me Sunny, The men Killed Miss Leila" Sunny sobbed tears coming faster than before. Asuma got a better at Sunny. The child had a cute face and the kidnappers were right, Sunny's eyes were a Golden yellow, with flecks of brown. Blonde hair fell waist length. She was small and very thin.

"Why don't we take you home" As soon as the words were out of Asuma mouth, she screamed.

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs. The cave shook, the fire for the camp fire seemed to lift off the burning logs and swirl in a ring around her. "Don't make me go back, I don't want to" She cried her face twisted with fear and angry. The fire seemed to swirl to protect, taking the form of a wolf . It roared and all three week to their feet. "I am not an object, or an it" she hissed

"Very well, Sunny, we won't make you go back. Are you doing this" She seemed to believe Kakashi's words who had been Quiet up to this point. She nodded raising her arms, palms up, only to bring them hard. The rock breaking to pebbles. They were still as they saw the rocks shake, then form into a hawk. It cocked its head and blinked its stone eyes. It flapped its wings, landing on her shoulder. She stood straight, pulling her hands towards her, pulling water into the air, formed a bear which walked past the two ninjas, coming to lay down in front of her. They heard the water sizzle when it got too close to the fire wolf who backed off. A wooden rabbit jumped from a tree. Soon she was surrounded by many animals. Dirt fish swimming in the air. A mist cat rubbing against Kakashi leg. A deer made for yellow, orange and amber leafs reared up, calling. A fawn and a doe next to the stag.

"They are Amazing" Asuma breathed, at the same time Sunny let out her breathe and the animal began to return to where the came form. The rabbit jumping back to the tree, the wolf to the camp fire, the bear to river and the hawk to it hole in the rock floor. Making it up like the animals had never been.

Golden eyes (Naruto fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt