Chapter 12: The War

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"Mira, you're pregnant."


Suddenly everything turned black and the world began to spin. Erza caught Mira as she fell back.

"Mira! Are you alright?!?" Erza called, but it was pointless as she was unresponsive.

"Take her to my office," Makarov began. "Stay with her and watch her. I fear they're already here."

"Yes Master." Erza did as instructed by Makarov and took Mira to his office, locking the door behind her.

Moments later... the door of the guild swung open, revealing Laxus and Natsu in the doorway.

"Give Us Back Our Mates!" Laxus growled, electricity swirling around him.

"Laxus, you don't want to do this!" Makarov growled back.

"Shut up Gramps!" He hits Makarov with a bolt of Lightning.

"Maka!" Mavis called as she rushed to Makarov's side.

"Lucy. How dare you leave me!" Natsu grabs Lucy's arm and pulls her to him as the other Dragon Slayers burst into the guild.

"Let go Natsu!" Lucy tried to get away from Natsu's grip but couldn't. With her other hand, she pulled out a golden key and chanted the words: "Open the gate of the Lion, Loke!"

Loke appeared and punched Natsu off of Lucy. "She said Let Go!" He growled picking up Lucy.

Natsu growled. "Let the war between us begin!" He punched Loke back, scales appearing on his face.

Loke placed Lucy down and fought Natsu.

Millianna and Jellal were fighting Rogue and Sting.

Cana and Macao fought with Wendy while Jet and Droy attempted to fight Gajeel.

Elfman spared off with Laxus, hoping to protect his sister from his wrath.

Mavis sat back, watching the fight while trying to help Makarov. " I know you can win Fairy Tail!"

Meanwhile, in Makarov's office...

"Mira. Wake up." Erza whispered.

Mira opened her eyes. "How Erza?"

Erza shook her head. "I don't know Mira,"

Suddenly, Mira grabbed her stomach as a clear liquid - water like - dripped from her area to the ground. "Gwah! What's happening?"

Erza's eyes widened. "Mira! You're going into labour!"

"What?!?" She screamed.

At that moment, everything in the guild seemed to stop. Everything was quiet. Too quiet.

"But he only did it to me yesterday." Mira mumble whispered.

"Just calm down Mira." Erza tried to calm Mira down. "We need to get them out of there before it gets worse."

"Them?!?" Mira nearly fainted. "I'm having twins?!?"

Out of nowhere, Elfman came crashing through the door. Laxus followed him, the point through the hole created by Elfman.

"I have to thank you Mira, without your sudden scream, I would not have been able to catch Elfman off guard." Laxus chuckled and walked over to Mira. Mira, however, backed away from Laxus. But she was met with a wall. "One thing I must tell you about Dragon Slayer Mating Season is: when a mate becomes pregnant."

"Laxus, step away from Mira Now!" Erza growled.

Laxus turned to Erza and darkly grinned. "When a slayer's princess or queen is embedded with a child or more, instead of taking 6-9 months for the child to fully develop in its mothers stomach, it takes 6-9 hours."

Both Erza and Mira's eyes widened.

"And during Dragon Slayer Mating Season, if a slayer wishes to grant that power to another individual, they can do that as well. Even if said individual is not a dragon slayer, it just takes 6-9 days to develop the child." Laxus grinned at Erza. "Which means, unfortunately for you..."

"That can't be possible!" Erza exclaimed, anger raged in her eyes.

"Oh but my dear Erza Scarlet, it is." Erza growled and charged at Laxus, but he stopped her and pushed her back into a wall. "I wouldn't be picking fights you can't win, while you're in that state." He chucked and walked over to Mira. As he rubbed Mira's cheek he glanced at Erza, "and by the way, Jellal is under my control now." As he finished, Jellal walked in and grabbed Erza.

"You can't do this!" Erza glared at the lightning dragon slayer intensely.

"This war of yours, is over. Dragon Slayers have won." Laxus picked up Mira and Carried her to the main guild hall.

Mira winced at his touch.

"Boys and Wendy, let's go back to the den. Your queen will be delivering two gorgeous children." Laxus announced and then carried Mira back to the den.

Jellal followed carrying Erza. Natsu followed Jellal with Lucy in his arms. The other slayers did the same, except Romeo carried Wendy back.


{A/N: And that is the end of this chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it. Till next time...
X }

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