t h i r t y - n i n e

Start from the beginning

"You'll get it later, I know you don't want anything, but I wanted to get you something." Jack smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"I didn't get you anything though Jack, we agreed to no presents," I pouted.

"That's fine, I don't need anything but you," he smiled and set me down.

"Let's get going, we've got reservations," Jack said as he took my hand and interlocked our fingers.

We walked out to his car and drove off to the house.

"The lovely couple is home!" Johnson yelled as he saw us come in.

"Hey Johnson, how was your day?" I asked.

"It was alright, spent the day making music with this guy," Johnson said patting Jacks back.

"Nice, I want to listen to it when it's ready!" I said as I walked upstairs to the restroom.

"You'll be one of the firsts!" Johnson said as I got into the restroom.

"Good!" I yelled as I closed the door.

I turned on the water and put on my music. Once the water got warm I stripped down my clothes and got in the shower.

After a 10 minute shower I got out and wrapped the towel around me, I grabbed my phone and walked out of the restroom bumping into Jack.

"Well about time! I have to shower," Jack said slapping my butt.

"Hey! You have a bathroom in your room!" I said laughing.

"I forgot to get out my shampoo from this one, so I'm just going to shower in yours."

"Okay, well I'm gonna get ready."

I walked to my room and slipped in my underwear and put on my bra. I towel dried my hair a bit then went to my closet to find what to wear. I decided to wear a navy blue lacy dress that has an open cut on my back just above my waist. I let my natural hair take over, I just took two strands of hair from the sides and bobby pined them to the back. I wore black heels and applied light make up since Jack doesn't like it when I wear so much. (Outfit above)

Once I was ready I stepped out and made my way downstairs to see Johnson, Matt, Cameron, and Nash sitting at the couch.

"Didn't know y'all were coming over tonight," I said as I walked into the living room.

"Yeah Johnson wanted us to come since you and Jack are going out," Cam said.

"Oh alright," I said.

"Looking beautiful as always," Matt said standing up taking my hand and spun me around.

"Thank you Matthew," I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Damn Ave's, looking fine." Cam said.

I felt my cheeks turn a bit red.

"Thanks Cam," I laughed shaking my head.

"Cam, don't try hitting on her," Johnson joked around.

"Nah I know she's with Jack," he laughed.

"How are you and your girl Nash?" I asked.

"Good, Daniela is amazing it's only been 3 months but I feel like we're meant to be," he said with a smile.

"Aww, you should bring her over someday! I want to actually get to know her, you rarely have her hang around with us."

"I'll think about bringing her over," Nash said laughing a bit.

"I will never get over seeing how beautiful you are Ava Rose," I heard Jack say.

I turned back to see him coming down the stairs. He was wearing a black tux, with a white dress shirt and came down with two ties for me to choose from.

"Which tie babe?" He asked handing me a black and navy blue tie.

"Navy, you'll match my dress," I smiled.

"I had a feeling you'd go with navy," Jack laughed, "can you tie my tie? I'm so bad at it."

"Of course," I smiled and put the tie around his neck and tied his tie. I pulled it up to his neck and moved it a bit to the side to make it straight.

"There," I smiled placing my hands on his chest.

"Thank you," he smiled and pecked my lips.

"Alright, we're heading out see y'all later tonight if y'all are still here," Jack said.

"Wait, we need to take a picture," I said as I got out my phone.

"Matthew, will you do the honor?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled and I handed him my phone.

I stood next to Jack and he placed his hand on my waist and I shifted my body a bit to face him and I placed my hand on his chest and we smiled for the picture.

Johnson, Cam, and Nash also took a picture on there phones.

"I'm so posting this on Twitter and snapchat," I heard Johnson say.

I smiled to myself and looked at the picture.

"Send me the picture babe," Jack said and I did so.

He took out his phone and set it as his wallpaper. My phone and Jacks went off getting notifications on Twitter. The guys tweeted our picture.

Nash captioned it: "These two going out to eat for there 8 months❤️ Guys night for Johnson, Cam, Matt, and I🙌🏼"

Cam captioned it: "Happy 8 months to these two. Jack beat me to Ava...I'm just kidding! I'm happy for these two❤️"

Matt captioned it: "My best friend and Jack make 8 months today happy for these two. Don't hurt my girl Gilinsky!👊🏼"

Johnson captioned it: "Happy for G, he's finally found the girl meant for him. Happy 8 months you two❤️"

I smiled down at my phone and then locked it and put it back in my bag.

"Let's get going Ave's," Jack smiled taking my hand in his.

"Bye guys!" I said as Jack and I walked out of the house.

"Bye Jack and Ave's!" The guys said together as we closed the door.

We got in the car and Jack made his way to the restaurant.


SUPER long chapter! I wanted to make it long since it was a time skip. I honestly love this chapter. I think 8 months is a good time skip. I didn't want to go crazy and do something like 5 years! But yeah hope y'all liked it, don't forget to give it a vote. I mean if you want. But I suggest it.

-Much Love Ilse💕

Finding The One ✦ Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now