Mal: Mal

Evie: Mal

" I would get thrown in or pushed by jay" Evie said

Mal chuckled " probably"

Most likely to name their child Emily

" what kind of question is this" Mal said

" whatever popped into my mind at the time" Evie said

Evie: Mal

Mal: Evie

" I would not name my child Emily" Evie said

" it starts with an E" 

"So that doesn't mean anything"

 Most talkative 

Mal: Evie 

" it depends on the time" Evie said 

"Oh yeah it really can" 

Evie giggled "ya"

Fall in a volcano

Evie: Mal

Mal: Mal 

" you're anything, but clumsy E." Evie just rolled her eyes and giggled

Who is the most pathetic 

Mal: undecided

Evie: evie

" you think you're the most pathetic?!" 

Yes, I text myself when I'm bored sometimes"

"Oh in that case"

Mal: Evie

Evie stuck her tongue out at Mal.

Be happy while dieing 

Mal Evie look at eachother and burst out laughing.

" none of us probably" Mal said choked out.

Who is more of a hoarder



" hey the only thing I keep is sewing stuff" 

" so what" Mal said that's still hoardering"

"You are far worse" Evie said." I mean your half of the room is always way messier than mine.

Mal mimicked Evie teasingly." Very mature Mal"

Burn their hand off while cooking

Mal: Mal 

Evie : Mal

" you are much smarter in the ways of cooking" Mal said which made Evie giggle.


" it depends again" Evie said

" yea definitely" Mal agreed

Most likely to die from an apple

Mal: Mal

Evie: Mal

" inside joke" Evie giggled at the memory

Say something random

Evie: Evie


"bubblecow" Evie said " my fav animal

"Last one"

Cut a perfect line

Evie: evie

Mal: Evie

" I do it all the time for sewing"


Mal is now chasing Evie to try to get her phone 

Evie ran across the room and jumped up onto her bed, but Mal caught up to her. Evie then jumped off the bed and ran to their tonight's sleeping spot. Mal tackled her and grabbed her phone. Evie grabbed it back forcefully and mals mouth and her head collided. " Evie! You made my mouth bleed" Mal said.

Evie opened her mouth in shock " sure I did that" Mal just glared at her " oh please Mal I had worse before. Once when I was thirteen I tripped over my basket and landed on my mouth and it had a huge bruise" Evie said " I got in so much trouble" 

" wow you actually fell once" Mal said Evie rolled her " yes, I'm not perfect"


" Evie are sleeping yet Mal asked 


Why not

You keep talking

Sure that's the problem

 shhhhh go to sleep


----------next day around 11:30--------------

Mal is trying to push Evie off the bed

" Mal" Evie screamed as she clutched onto her friends side, it's not that she was afraid of falling off its just that her bed frame is broken and it hurts when you fall on it. How did she know it hurts, jay pushed her off the bed once.

Mal giggled as she continued to try to get Evie off. 


"Evie!" Jay said as he saw her in the hallway" your alive!" He picked her up and twirled her around 

Evie giggled " of course I am" jay leaned in for a kiss and Evie accepted 

The rest of th day Evie talked about she did and showed him videos and pics her and Mal took.

" what time did you make this video" Jay asked.

"5:30 p.m." Evie said

" are you sure because it seems like one in the morning.

Evie giggles "we were kinda hyper"


"Yes" Evie said as jay and her leaned in for another kiss.

Thanks for reading I promise the next will have more jevie in it. Please give me some ideas for more. P.s. Sorry for many grammar mistakes I'm tired.

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