Chapter twenty eight-Fires and Goodbyes

Start from the beginning


Sprinting, I tried my best to catch up to her, but failed. She turned a corner, and I lost her. 

   "Natsu...did you...find her?"

Erza and Cana came running up to me, out of breath. 

   "No. I tried catching up to her, but I couldn't. I don't know where she went."

   "We can all look for her together."

The three of us walked back to the apartment, and arranged groups. Elfman and Mira were staying with Lisanna. Gray, Juvia, and Cana all took Juvia's car. Erza, Jellal, and Laxus took Erza's van. Wendy wanted to come with me, so I let her. 

   "Where do we look first?"

   "I don't know. Juvia said she was going to check her house, and Erza's group is checking the restraunts and stores."

   "There really isn't any other place I could think of her going. Lets walk around town and see if we find her."


Wendy took my hand, and we started walking around. 


Lucy's pov

I ran out of the apartment, and down the road. I continued running until I needed to stop and catch my breath. When I did, I was already at the place. As I walked to all the all the ash on the ground, I tilted my head up so I could see the crumbling manor. It was falling apart, making more ash float in the air. 

   "I miss you guys."

Pushing the door open, it made a loud creak. The bottom of the door cleared away some ash that was in front of the door. I started walking around, looking at all the old rooms. After walking upstairs, I opened the door to my old room. Pieces of my bed still remained, along with a few old toys. Picking one up, it went off but crackled, and died out. Putting the toy back down, I walked over to the window which was broken, glass laying on the windows sill. The old garden was still there, but all of the plants were withered, and dead. I left my room, and walked a little further down the hall, finding my parents room. This door fell when I barely touched it. Making a loud slam on the ground, ash flew up in the air and surrounded me. Almost everything in here was completely burned. The only thing left was an old picture frame, with all of us in it, smiling. A tear rolled down my cheek, and landed on the burnt glass. The frame slipped out of my hand, and completely shattered. I walked back downstairs, and into the dining hall. This is it. This is where the birthday party was at. 


    "Mommy! Look!"

   "That's a beautiful charm. We can add it to the necklace we bought you."

   "Levy got it for me! She said we're best friends!"

I turned to face Levy, and smiled brightly at her. 

   "I'm glad you like it, Lu-chan."

   "Its so pretty."

I held the charm in front of me and watched it spin as I rubbed it between my fingers. 

   "The cake will be ready soon!"

Levy and I linked arms, and started jumping around.

   "Cake! Cake! Cake!~"

   "You two are silly."

Aunt Mavis came and hugged me from behind. 

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