Chapter 8

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Dedication to @SalahaSzacaria here's your super late dedication! Thanks for reading!!

Chapter 8

I looked up, only to see a police officer. What did I do wrong?

"Excuse me are you Emily Thomas?" He asked, looking at me.

Nervously I replied,"Um, yes."

"Your mom ate some bad food and is in the hospital for food poisoning. She asked an officer to escort you to the hospital to see her because she had your family's car." I was relieved that I wasn't in trouble yet felt uneasy about my mom's condition.

"Um, okay, just let me grab some things and I'll come downstairs." I mumbled.

I ran upstairs and put a big sweatshirt with my high school's logo on the front. I grabbed my school bag and put my phone, charger, and the remainder my homework inside.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, being in a police car felt odd. It was a completely new experience for me. Especially since I had never gotten in trouble before.

When we got to the hospital my mom was asleep. There was an extra bed so they let me spend the night because it was late and because visiting hours were over.

I woke up at around ten in the morning. Great, I was late for school. I wrote a note for my mom telling her I would be back afterschool. I grabbed the keys from her purse and walked out.

Starting the car, I drove back home to get ready for school. I parked in the driveway and ran inside to get ready. After changing into a suitable outfit and detangling my mess of blonde hair, I made my way downstairs and grabbed a muffin from a container on the table and munched on it as I made my wat back outside.

Driving to school, I parked across the street because there were no other spots. Who knew there were so many seniors who had their parents buy them cars? My family was a one car type family.

I got to school only to be yelled at by the security officer. I told him why I was late but he still sent me to the office to get a late pass. I then went to my locker and off to class.

After math class I had to stay after class because of not tutoring Jonathan and I guess he waited for me in front of the school. The bell rang and I went to Ms. Monroe's desk. Jonathan was slowly putting his stuff into his bag and I felt as if he was watching me.

"Now do you have an explanation for not coming to school on time?" She asked, looking at my from her computer screen.

"Um, my mom was in the hospital and I was driven to visit her then I fell asleep and woke up late and-"

"Emily, it's okay. If you need to go home early and get some sleep we have spare bus passes in the office."

"No, it's okay. But thank you." I said sweetly and walked out of class.

Nearly bumping into Jonathan he greeted me with a hello and smiled. My cheeks flushed in the shock he waited for me.

"Um, hi?" I said, unsure of what to reply.

"Same reaction, you might want to change it up a bit." He leaned in closer to me like he was going to kiss me, but I pushed him away in disgust.

"Um, I have to go to class now bye." I replied in a rush and ran off.

I wasn't looking where I was going and walked really close to the proffesional drama queen.

"Well look who it is, the shy dumb blonde," Kate said with two cheerleaders next to her.

"Um, m-my name is Emily." I said quietly looking at my shoes and to her face which looked much more intimidating than my sneakers.

"Sure, whatever. Anyways I saw your slip of paper in drama, and honey I'm getting the role of Sharpay. I'm just like her." Well obviously,"Except for the mean part." Kate laughed.

Really? If she was nice I would have liked her.

"Um, okay?" I walked away.

"And by the way Jonathan is mine, so back off."

I was late to my next class landing me to take my english quiz after school. Great.. Thanks Kate.

During lunch I tried looking for Tyler but Jonathan pulled me aside and flirted with me. I pushed him away but he pushed me to the table I now sat at. I looked over to my left to see a new girl with black hair, dark brown eyes and a pale skin tone.

"Um, hi, I'm Emily." I said.

"Oh, hi, my name's Claire. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, how come I haven't seen you before?" I asked.

"Well I actually transferred from another school." Claire told me.

"Oh, you have computer class don't you?" I said recalling the reason I was in drama in the first place.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" She said, shocked as to my known information.

"I had to switch out so you could get in." I shrugged.

"Oh, sorry about that, I'm just really good at computer stuff and my parents wrote a letter requesting my enrollment in that class, even though it was no big deal." Claire said really fast.

"It's okay."

Talking to Claire I felt like Jonathan was staring at me a little too much. The bell rang and Jonathan insisted on walking me to class. I tried to tell him I could go alone but he was too stubborn.

When we got to the doors of the classroom I saw Tyler look at me, awkward. Then Jonathan saw him, looked at me and before I knew it he kissed me. I pushed him off almost instantly and he rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong? Most girls usually love kissing me." Jonathan said smirking.

"Well I'm not most girls." I said with the unknown confidence I never knew I had and walked into class.

"You shouldn't have done that Emily." Jonathan yelled and I turned around to glance over at him,"I know your little secret."

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