Chapter 12

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Early love's a shitty thing. That's just how it is. In my opinion it's just an excuse or shall I say escape. One thing I know about Emma is she's a sucker for early love when tragedy strikes, she did it to me nows she's done it to him. Though truly she knows deep down that she doesn't, maybe she will in the future, but right now? Hell no. I think that's why she made sure he was asleep, so if she changed her mind she could take it back without any guilt. I don't know if she's aware of it herself, but I am. And don't get me wrong I love her more than anyone else in the world  but it's just how she copes.

I hear a text notification and the rustle of bed sheets, then foot steps. Then I fall asleep.


When I finally start to feel myself fall asleep I hear my phone go off. I jolted up knowing it could be an update on Aubrey. To my misfortune it was. It was a picture message. I felt my heart start to pump faster. I get out of bed and walk into the other room so I don't wake anyone. I try my phone and my hands start to shake making it difficult. I finally get it open and look at the photo. I let out a gasp. It was a photo of Aubrey, tied up, tear stained eyes, one of them lined with purples and grays. I take a deep breath and I feel myself start to cry. This is all my fault.

The person on the other line starts to type. "Be here 48 hours or we'll slit her throat. Don't bring your friends along with you. We want you ALONE. We'll be at the Empire State Building, don't look for us,we'll come to you."

My mind is a warzone. I know what the right thing to is, and it's what I have to do. But I'm risking my god damn life. I'm terrified. 47 hours and 56 minutes left.

Yesterday (gerard way fanfiction) SLOW UPDATESWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt