Chapter 2: Again

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I woke up at the same time I did yesterday, 7:30. Today I was determined to make sure I was early or at least on time for work. I did my usual routine for the mornings and put on my work uniform. (black skinny jeans and a polo) The only thing I did differently was curling my hair instead of putting it in a messy bun. Then I got in the car and drove to work. I was 10 minutes early! (theres another record)

When I walked through the door, Patrick was there to greet me. "10 minutes early, not bad for you Henchal."

Oh so now he's adressing me by my last name, well two can play at that game, "Thanks Stump!"

I put my bag in the exact same place as yesterday and put on my apron. Then Frank came in with another boy, who Im assuming is Ray. (He had an afro that was on point.)

I went over to introduce myself. "Hi my name is Emma, you must be Franks friend."

"Nice to meet you Emma, my name is Ray"

"Nice to meet you too."

Everything was going fine and no one brought up Gerard untill Frank butted in... "So Emma, why dont you tell my buddy Ray here about who you met up with yesterday, while you were on your shift?"

"Eh, Im good it really wasnt that important anyway. Thanks for offering anyway Frank" I said nudging his arm

"Oh yeah Frank was just telling me yesterday how you met Gerard. Me and Gerard have been really close since highschool." Ray said

"Oh well actually I didnt meet him I just took his order for coffee." I said, trying to change the subject.

"Oh really, because thats not just what I saw." Frank looked at me, then Ray and continued. "It seems to me that Emmas got a little bit of a secret crush."

Ray bursted out in laughter at Franks comment. I could feel my cheeks getting red. "I could talk to him if you want Emma." Ray offered

"Umm.. I would take the offer but unfortunately I dont believe I will ever see him again. I mean I have never seen him around here before so he must not a regular.."

"Well Emma Henchal you are in luck, because I happened to be talking to Ray earlier today and he texted good old Gerard to swing by after work which should be about 1 hour after our break."

"Frank have I ever told you how much I hate your existence" I said through my smile.

"I love you too best friend"

The day went by like normal, busy in the morning, a couple unhappy customers but for the most part everyone was satisfied. Ray for the first couple of hours just sat down and did some work with his laptop patiently, then he went to go visit an old friend named Mikey, who apparently was Gerards brother.Ray came back in about an hour with Mikey. Then it was time for break.

Frank,Ray,Mikey,and I all went into the breakroom. Then me and Mikey introduced ourselves and sat down. Unfortunately Frank had to opened his big mouth. "So Mikey, Emma here has got the hots for your brother"

"You mean Gerard?"

"No I mean Bonquisha the 3rd...of course I mean Gerard!" Frank Retorted

Then Mikey looked at me shocked "Is he serious or..."

"No, its true. I like Gerard. I know its hopeless" I sighed.

"Oh well he just broke up with his girlfriend, Lindsey about 2 months. So he is on the table."

"I SHIP IT!" Frank yelled

"UGH GUYS STOP IT" I said while laughing

Patrick came to tell us our break was over. I started getting really nervous like my palms were sweating and that never happens...ever and I did not like it at all. "Well good luck with Gerard" Mikey said


The time passed by, one by one the customers the customers came....but no Gerard. A part of me was relieved and glad I wouldnt have to embarrass myself, but the other part of me wished I would be able to see him again and talk to him...even if it was only taking his order. But then the door opened and Mikey, Ray, and Frank all looked at me.

I felt like I was gonna throw up right then and there, I lost my balance because my knees turned into jello. Frank thankfully grabbed hold of my arm so I didnt pass out. "Thank you." I whispered to him. "No problem."

Gerard just kept getting closer but Ray stopped him and pulled him into a hug. Gerards face lit up like a fricken christmas tree. He was the most adorable thing I had ever seen on the face of this earth, who made my heart melt. I had never felt this way about anybody. Ray said something to Gerard that made his cheeks turn a light pink, then he looked at me. I knew exactly what Ray had said and that made my heart beat as fast as it had ever beaten. I could now feel my own cheeks start to heat up.

He started walking up to the cash register and I swear I thought I exploded. "Uhh...Hi" he said in the most adorable way. "Hi" I said. I swear I sounded like a 5 yearold. Then we just kinda stared at each other for what felt like hours but was only a matter of seconds.

Again the moment was destroyed by Mikey nudging Gerard."Uhhh.....Gerard are you gonna tell Emma what you want to get"

Gerards cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink, i laughed a bit to myself in the girliest way possible. "Wha?...Oh y-yeah can i just get a medium black c-coffee."

"Sure" I smiled and he smiled back. I wrote: Gerard, on the cup and handed it to Frank, who started to make his coffee. Then Gerard Sat down and waited for his coffee.


I was waiting for my coffee when Frank came up to me and handed it to me. "Hey you know my friend Emmas liked you right??" I was mid sip of my coffee but I spit it everywhere and started coughing.

I nodded and Frank smirked, "I can hook you up with her number if you want." Frank said.

"Sounds great"I replied sarcastically. Frank shrugged and went back to making coffee.

I couldnt believe that just happened. But unfortunately it had to end. It was closing time once again, and for once I didnt want to flip that open sign over. I told the guys who were all at one table that it was closing time.

Then Mikey asked, "Who wants to come over to me and Gerards place?"

Frank and Ray both agreed.

"Emma do you want to come too?"Mikey asked.

I became stiff but I knew I had to force something out of my mouth. "Err...I guess if its okay with Gerard"

"Fine by me."

Then Frank interupted him, "Ok thats settles it, now Mikey, Ray, and I will take my car. Gerard you and Emma take her car"

That sly bastard

The three boys ran off and drove away leaving me and Gerard behind, alone, and awkward.

A/N (3/14/15)
Hi guys! I am really having fun writing this story. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!
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