Chapter 3: Drunk

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I could not believe this. I had no idea what to say,what to do, not one sound would come out of my mouth.

"Well I guess we should get going" Gerard said awkwardly.

I think we could both feel the tension, or maybe it was just me, hopefully not.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered.

God damnit why did I have to be so awkward. We both started walking to the car since Gerard wanted to drive, I took the passenger seat.
Then I got a text from Frank:
-hows the car ride going-
-dont worry its only about a 5 minute drive-
-hate you-
-i love you too-
I could not believe this.We just stood there for several minutes. I had no idea what to do. I dont think I can talk.

Ok up you can do this.

What the hell do i say, I dont want to seem rude and rush her out.

"We should probably get going" I said. Why did I have to be so awkward?

"Y-yeah" she said.

I could feel the tension, could she? I hope I wasnt the only one. I offered to drive so she took the seat beside me. Then she got a text message.


I put my phone away when I was done texting Frank. I really wished that the conversation would have lasted longer so I would have an excuse to not talk but it was to late for that.

"So what do you do for work? I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Im a comic book illlustrator"

"Wow Gerard thats really cool!"I said.

He smiled, so by instinct I smiled back.

"So do you do anything else besides art?" I figured if I kept asking questions the car ride would go by faster and I could also get to know a little bit more about Gerard.

"Well I write music and sing, but I guess you could say that is just another form of art"

I Think the akwardness was starting to break a little.

"Now since you asked me, do you do anything else besides making coffee?"Gerard asked.

I laughed at his question. "I happen to not be a very interesting person." I replied laughing at myself

"Oh come on, there must be something." He said.

"Well I guess you will just have to find out."

When the car ride was over I realized it really wasnt that bad. I mean I learned a lot more about Gerard.

We started walking up the driveway to his house. And all I could say is that it was pretty cool. One of the walls were glass so you could see everything from the inside. I saw Frank, Mikey,and Ray gathered on the couch most likely drinking something with alcohol in it. We got inside and I could hear laughing coming from upstairs. When we got up stairs Frank signalled me to come over.

"So was the car ride really horrible?" he asked with a smirk.

" wasnt that bad" I said half laughing.

Everything was going well, me and Frank started telling stories about weird experiences from work. Then we started playing thruth or dare.

"Mikey, truth or dare?"Ray asked.


"Are you still single, and if so got anybody on your radar"

"Well my friend Alicia is pretty cool." Mikey said, his cheeks turning bright pink.

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