chapter 11; Messages

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"Oh yeah came in here a couple of days ago." My heart dropped into my stomach. "Well do you know where she went?" I asked. "No but she did tell me if someone came looking for her to give them this." He reached into his pocket and handed me a phone. I took it from him. God how much money does she have? I grabbed Gerard's hand and thanked the man for his help, then we walked out.

I looked at the sky, it was getting dark but the lights in the city were so bright it made it look like it was the middle of the afternoon. "What time is it?" I ask. "9:15" Frank said. "We should probably get going" I suggested. We headed back to the hotel, and got back to our room. Frank went to sleep immediately and Gerard went into to the other room to sleep on the couch. So I took a shower and got ready for bed, I set my phone aside and charge the new one that was dead. I got up to go get some water which was unfortunately outside in the hallway, when I came back I checked the new phone, 1 missed call 5 minutes ago. I gasp and call back.

I step out into the hallway so I dont wake up Gerard or Frank. The phone rings ones, please pick up, twice, please please please, third times a charm. "Hello? Emma?" a voice from the other line says. I could feel my eyes tearing up but I shook them away. "Yeah its me. Thank God you picked up. I was so worried I-" "Listen Emma, I did something bad, really bad. I made some important people mad." My body tenses up "W-what? I don't understand." "You don't have to, Emma I think Im being followed, I got you a new phone just incase, so they cant track you." "Aubrey who are they? Where are you?" I was starting to get demanding "I- I cant tell you, if they're listening they'll come and get me. I need help, but you cant come looking for me in broad daylight. Im nearby I promise, I wont run off to far." I hear someone talking in the back ground, "I have to go." she says sounding panicked "A-Aubrey? Don't hang up! Who's with you?!?" Before I could say anything else the line goes dead.

"Oh my God.."  i sit back against the rough hotel wall, my head looking up at the ceiling. "Hey mom?" I whisper. "I need help, I don't want to be by myself anymore." I start to cry, tears were streaming down my face. "I don't want to have to do things alone. Please come back, I don't want to be by myself." I try to calm myself down so I don't wake up anybody else. "You don't have to be by yourself" I look up to see Gerard looking down on me. I try to say something but I cant, I just get up and grab onto him with every last once of energy I have. I start to cry harder and my body shakes as I struggle to breathe. He pulls me closer to his chest and rocks me back and forth. "I'm not going to leave you alone" He said softly, stroking my hair. I take a deep breath, and try to stop crying.
I look into his eyes, and I knew from the moment I saw them,
I loved him. Screw it. I crashed my lips onto his, he grabbed my face kissing back softly. In that moment I forgot about everything, I forgot that my sister was missing, my parents were gone, and the fact that I had just quit my job and left everything behind. I was only focused on Gerard's lips on mine. The kissed ended and I couldn't help but smile, even though it felt like everything in the world was against me.

"We should probably go back inside." Gerard said grabbing  my hand and taking me back inside. We laid down on the couch,  and he wrapped his arms around me. "Everything's going to be okay." He said and fell asleep. I made sure he was asleep and when I was sure he was I told him something I wouldn't dare tell him while awake. "I love you."

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