Chapter 8: Road Trip?

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okay so I just looked at this chapter and realized that only 2 words of the chapter had been published, and the writing has been erased from my drafts.. Correct me if I'm wrong cause I don't think that my mac is working. But just incase it didn't publish I'm going to have to rewrite. Who knows maybe this time I will write it better. fml


"She's gone"

The pain I felt in those words was unbelievable.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I snapped

"This morning I came to wake her up for school and I found the window open and some of her clothes missing. She left a note saying to call you letting you know and that you would know what to do."

"Well thanks, I guess." I said and hung up the phone.

I inhaled sharply and let out a deep sigh.

Why would she run away and why would she want me to know?

I decided to sleep on the situation.


I felt bad. I felt really bad.

I shouldn't have let her leave. She nor I did anything wrong. But it was obviously to late to get her to come back so I just decided that I would sulk around. Maybe it just wasn't time to start anything new. Maybe I should just wait a little while just incase Lindsey wanted to come back.

I sighed, turned on the t.v. and eventually fell asleep. But I was awoken by the sound of my door bell ringing.

"Its open." To be honest wouldn't even care if it was a axe murderer. But unfortunately it was Frank.

"We need to talk."

You never want to here those words from Frank, like ever.

"W-what about?" I asked nervously.

"Look, you are going to have to get over Lindsey sooner or later." He said tugging at his hair.

I swallowed hard. "You don't know that." I snapped

"She isn't coming back and you know it. She-"

"Shut up." I cut him off before he could say anything else. I knew he was probably right but I didn't want to hear it.

Frank raised his voice. "Gerard, she told you she was going on a trip to see her family and went off and had sex with one of your best friends!"

"Get out." I said trying not to get angry.

"What? No, you are gonna listen to what I have to say. When Emma comes and tells me-"

"I said get out!"

Frank looked at me with a sad and frustrated look. He sighed deeply and turned around. He turned his head to say something but changed his mind and walked out the door.

Later that night I got a text.

To: Gerard
From: Frank
-Think about what I said earlier. Maybe it's time for a change.-


I woke the next morning and I had made my decision.

I was going to find her.

I would quit my job and leave tomorrow. I had thankfully saved up enough money for gas and food. I had no idea where to start or how long this was going to go but I didn't care, I was going to find Aubrey if it was the last thing I would do. And to be honest I couldn't believe what I was thinking.

Was I really going do this on my own?

I drove to work and arrived 15 minutes early. I sighed, man I was really going miss this. Frank came to greet me at the door with a big over exaggerated smile.

"Good morning my lady!" Frank said and stuck his arm out gesturing to come in to the coffee shop.

"Hi Frank." I said with no emotion.

He looked at me with a concerned look, I guess he could read my face.

"Whats wrong Emma?"

"Frank Aubrey went missing." I could feel my eyes tearing up. "A-and Im leaving to go find her"

Frank stared at me in silence for what felt like hours. He was thinking hard I could see it in his eyes.

"Well, youre not going alone." He said with a smirk.

"W-what?" Was he really actually saying this?

"On one condition"

of course

"Gerard is coming with us."


"No Frank, he probably wont even want to come."

"Do you want me to come or not?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."


I woke up on the couch in the most awkward position. I was only wearing underwear and socks and I was sprawled everywhere.

I looked at the clock, 1:30 pm

"Shit." I mumbled to myself and got up from the couch stretching out my neck that had been glued to my shoulder all night.

I hobbled to my room and got dressed. I had nothing planned today so I just pulled out my comic ideas and worked on them for a couple of hours.

I looked at the wall of artwork posted to the left of me. But then something caught my eye. It was a picture of Lindsey and I at warped tour. I got up from my seat and detached the photo from the wall. I stared at it for a while, then crumpled it up and threw it in the trash.

Maybe it is time for a change.

Around 5:00 I went to go and make myself dinner, which was basically cereal. But then the door opened. I stopped in my tracks.


I stared at him for a minute with a 'What the he'll are you doing in my house, just let me eat my cereal.' look

He shrugged it off. "Pack your stuff."
He said blankly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Hurry up, you have a half an hour until Emma gets here."

"Wait, Emma?"

"Yes, Emma. Now get packed." He was starting to get inpatient.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

He acted like this was just a normal thing to do. Like 'Hey, this girl that got drunk at your house a few night ago that you might have feelings for and I are gonna take you some where. It's okay neither of us know where we are going and you don't know why, but it's chill just come with us.'


I packed my clothes and some art supplies. I had no idea why I was going to do this, but it felt like a good idea at the time.

"Emma's waiting outside lets go."

I walked outside knowing that I was really gonna regret this decision later.

"Put your bag in the trunk." Frank said.

I did as I was told and got into the back seat. And with that, we took off leaving my house, my brother, and my job behind. And to say at the least, this had all put me in a bit of a unpleasant mood.

I texted Mikey:
-I'm not gonna be home for a while. Don't know where I'm going or how long it will take, but I'm with Emma and Frank so I guess its ok.-

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