Chapter 5: The Night Before

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She was drunk, not one ounce of sober. She started to talk but I had no idea what she was saying, just a slur of vowels.

"Emma, are you okay?" I asked. I knew what the answer was, but Im not sure if she did.

"Yup, never better."

Yeah I was right, she had no idea. "Gerard has anyone told you that you have a beautiful nose?" She slurred.
I looked at her funny. The boys were bent over laughing but I wasnt, she was gonna have a world of hurt in the morning. Then my phone rang, it was my mother. I hadnt talked to her in a while so I decided to take it.

"Sorry guys, I gotta take this its my mom." I said

"OOO CAN I SAY HI!" Emma yelled.

I smirked, then walked into another room where there wouldnt be so much noise.

When I came back from talking to my mom Emma was crying, Frank was comforting her. Why was she crying? Why were Ray and Mikey looking mortified? Why was Frank comforting her? I couldnt help but feel a bit of jealousy building up inside me, but I didnt want to cause a scene so I went back into the room I was in. Then she ran to the bathroom. I knew what was going to happen due to the fact of how much alcohol she consumed.

I went to see if she was okay, she was bending over the toilet. I came behind her and gently pulled her hair back. She looked back at me, I gave her a sympathetic smile. Then she was sick over and over again. I rubbed her back trying to make her feel better but I knew it wouldnt do anygood. I didnt realize she drank this much. I sat with her for a while to make sure she wouldnt be sick again. Then she fell asleep. I knew she wasnt gonna wake up for a while.

"She is asleep, you guys should go home. I will give her a place to rest when she wakes up."

Everyone except Frank agreed but then he realized what was best for her. She would sleep in my bed and I would sleep on the couch. I realized that she wouldnt want to sleep in those clothes so I got some of Lyn-Zs old comfortable ones. That would be awkward explaining but whatever.

"You really do care for her." Mikey said smirking.

"Is it really that obvious?" I said, god I bet it was.

"Yeah, Frank and I caught onto it pretty quick."

"Okay well please dont say anything. I want to be the one to tell her, when the time is right."

"That wont be an issue"

"Thank you." I said appreciatively.

"Well she is starting to wake up so will you please give this to her?" I asked giving him mouthwash.

"Yeah sure."

I still wondered why she was crying? I wanted to tell her I understood, but I couldnt because I didnt know what was wrong. Ugh why was this so hard for me.

I went to go check her again. I leaned against the door way, she looked at me through the mirror. She was pale, her makeup smudged. She was still pretty, just a bit of a mess.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"As good as I could be right now" She said with a sad look on her face. She still wasnt looking great.
"I need to get home." She said getting up, but then regretting her decision.

"I dont know if that is such a good idea." I said hoping she wouldnt argue.

"You're right, Im sorry"

"Its fine trust me." I gave her a reassuring look.

"You can sleep in my bed, I will sleep on the couch" I offered

"Oh no, you take your bed, I will take the couch."

"I insist" I knew that she was to weak to reject.

"Fine" she said.

She looked at the clothes with a confused look "They were my ex-grilfriends clothes" I cut in making her jump, I guess she thought I had left.

"Oh....okay thanks." She said uncomfortably.

"Well, I hope you feel better" I said.

"Thank you" She said with a weak smile. I felt bad,really bad.

That night I went in to check on her, she was sound asleep, snoring. She kept saying someones name...Aubrey.

A/N (3/17/15)
Thank you guys so much for 100!!

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